Better Keybind for screen sharing
Hello Discord Team
I would really love the abillity to have more keybinds for the screen sharing.
The keybinds im missing is the abillity to toggle screen sharing for each screen i have.
Like Keybind 1 toggle share screen 1
Keybind 2 toggle share screen 2
and so on.
The normal app screen share is good, but if you are showing something on a website or one of your games arnt recognize as a game on discord you will then have to go back out to discord and change it to share you screen instead :)
They actually pretty much did this a while ago - whereby the same hotkey used to start screenshare on known games worked on any focused app. I LOVED IT and it lastly a measly 24hrs before a bunch of idiots accidentaly did it and shared private information, then complaining its discords fault and they removed it.1
1 條評論