How do I reply to the reply that Discord's Trust and Safety sent to me with my email address associated with my account
So, approximately on the 22nd of May of this year, I've been waiting for the email to reply to reinstate my account, which only takes nine days. Still, it happened that they marked it as solved, and it didn't take nine days off, only five days. Also, Discord Trust and Safety sent this to me with this. Sorry if this reply is in Spanish. Still, I have no choice but to translate it into English. "It seems that we do not have data about your date of birth stored for the account associated with the email from which you write. Is it possible that you're writing in relation to a different account? If so, for privacy and security reasons we cannot discuss the details of an account with other users. Please write from the email address associated with that account.
If Discord has not asked you to enter your date of birth, you do not need to send this verification at this time. Since you have not yet entered a date of birth when our age control system asks you to, you can enter your own date of birth. Therefore, it's not necessary for you to send age verification material at this time.
Discord trust and safety team."
So that's the point of the email but I don't have a different account which I'm replying from and that's why there's no data for my date of birth stored for my account associated with the email, how do I write from the email address with my account also I ain't have a different account that I'm writing in?
they dont care
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