Discord Devs - Be faster.....
Right now you can do a quick search on google for: “remove, delete, get rid of the ”chilling" feature on discord status when joining a voice chat" CLEARLY, its been downvoted for multiple reasons and should be taken down or easily able to be toggled off so people never have to see it again… Yet why has it not already been removed….?
Discord Devs are S L O W
No one wants this Imbecilic status they have to manual turn off each time. It pisses ppl off and is annoying. The longer it takes the more people you piss off…. WHY pray tell would you wait this long to remove a very hated non essential feature?
While you're at it, why do I have to manually toggle “dont show non video participants” and “don't view self” in streaming multi window - each time I'm in a group with people streaming. There is literally no point to having non video participates even viewable when you are trying to watch multiple streams at once, why would it be “on” by default?
It's simple things like this that make me question, what are they even doing in the discord dev offices. How simple these things are and annoying to people to either not being paying attention to or listening to feedback or maybe just not caring enough to implement fixes faster. It's not like discord is worth $14 billion usd or anything….
Please hire some people that have their S_it together that can manage the dev side of this more efficiently and effectively, or set a firecracker under the already existing employees to make stuff happen. It's pretty pathetic for a multi billion dollar business to work this slowly
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