Why does Discord Web ( Chrome ) sound WAY better than the app? XLR Mic, - DETAILED.
Problem: I am loosing a lot of texture from my microphone in the Discord App, but not when I talk over the web browser.
Setup: HyperX Quadcast s white > USB Port 3.0 Motherboard.
Monitoring Software: HyperX NGENUITY
Issue: Discord App seems to "compress/play" with my voice, making it sound worse quality, where as the web version sends my signal source 1:1 without compressing anything.
Testing by creating an alt account and logging into the web version on Chrome, talking to myself. Muting once here and once there.
Yes, the "common" stuff is all done. Everything that I can disable is disabled in the app. Tried multiple configurations. Yes, it's the same microphone selected. The same settings as far as the web version would let me copy it. Yes, I tried putting audiodg to High Affinity and assigning 1 core, I did up the priority of Discord. ALL the fixes you find when googling. I tried resintalling. ( Fully ) I tried different audio-drivers. And it HAS to be a Discord App thing because no matter the drivers, Web Version sends my microphone 1:1 as I hear it in monitoring to Discord, but the App just butchers the audio quality. No changes on 64kbps/92 in the channel or server selection. Running Admin, non-admin, changing 48khz and 96khz, everything that you would possibly think of.
I even tried using DiscordPTB and DiscordCanary, same results. The app version always sounds 50% worse than the web client and I can't figure out how to fix. I don't want to use the web-client aswell.
I tried to copy the settings but some are missing in the Web Version so I assume Krisp is somehow enabled even tho it is turned off in the app? That would be my best guess.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Edit: Huge Update, at least I know what's going on, I went into Teamspeak Microphone Test ( didn't mention Discord Voice Test as it's broken ) and I noticed it has the same issue. I unchecked the "Remove background Noise" in Teamspeak Test and voila, I am sounding 1:1 like in my monitoring software.
This means that even if you disable Krisp, Standard and set it to "None", some sort of Noise Suppression is still active in Discord ( the App ) and I can't get rid of it!
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