Extended Audit Logs (Log Channel Moving, Who added what Bot, Who moved who, ect)
this is so necessary
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Please, add it
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Agreed. I'm having a problem in my discord server of someone deliberately messing with me and no one knows who's doing it. We can't do anything about it because every role given with manage channel rights are given to people who need the role. So purging isn't possible. Please implement this.
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Addition of who moved others between voice channels in the audit log would be really great. It's superior to completely disallow others to move someone because the audit log is missing this essential information. There are games where the overlay is blocked (blacklisted either through discord or the game developers) and moving others is necessary.
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Yes. 0 -
Good idea.
i like this.0 -
Yeah it could be useful to know who invited which bot 0 -
Yeah this would be useful. Audit log needs a few new features added 0 -
Adding a list of members pruned in the audit log could be quite disastrous though depending on the size of the server 0 -
Agreed. They could pop it open in a different window with a scroll bar.
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Not even that. I find Audit Logs still very hard to track information and maybe they could enhance the whole system.
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Everyone disliking this post are probably the ones that do it.
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Please @Discord add this as a feature! <3
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12 нояб., 13:25 PST
Опишу проблему и на русском языке!
Когда кто-то из Администраторов, выгоняет одного из участников из голосового чата, в журнале аудита нет пометки об этом действии.
Я прошу Вас проголосоаать, за добавление информации в Журнал аудита, так сказать, отчёт о том, что администратор отключает от голосового чата пользователя.
Спасибо0 -
эта функция не была бы лишней :)
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Это очень хорошая идея!
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Yeah Bring this action even i and many of wanted this. 0 -
This needs to happen. 0 -
This is a very necessary feature.
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Im need add-on info for function DISCONNECT to Audit Log
Good afternoon.
We are having problems.
We cannot find a person (administrator) who disconnects other people from the voice channels!
I ask you to add the "action DISCONNECT" to the Audit Log!
It is very necessary! Help us!
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Judging from the previous and newest update, the developer only cares for visual decorative stuffs. This issue has been here for over a year. I had been thinking positively like "There are tons of issues to address by the developer" or "This kind of coding might take a lot of time to finish" . But, well, i'm a programmer myself, and in my opinion, it is not that hard to insert this kind of feature, so my conclusion is they are not addressing this issue because they don't deem it necessary to fix.
In a parable, It's a very common practice anywhere in the world that most people only care about "decorating the house, putting fancy curtains to the windows, coloring the roof, and that kind of stuff", but keep ignorant on a crystal clear unstable house foundation.
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Yeah we definitely need this, my server is being terrorized by people moving the channels around, but we can't tell who it is.
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Same! Someone keeps moving channels around and we don't know who it is. No one will own up to it, either.
Please, we need this!0 -
This would be so helpful.
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It appears this is finally implemented!
December 19, 2019 update: Audit Log got some love. We added a ton of new Audit Log events to make moderation easier:- MEMBER_MOVE, for when users are moved into move channels
- MEMBER_DISCONNECT for when users are kicked from a voice channel
- NOT_AGAIN_RYAN for when Ryan falls asleep on voice for the 10th time and you have to move him to another channel
Also see https://github.com/discordapp/discord-api-docs/blob/master/docs/resources/Audit_Log.md
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Yes, they did add it to Discord but it could have been more detailed. At the moment, it just says 'Person#### has moved 1 user to channel Game'. It should say what user was moved.
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We're still missing channel movement logging. We've had channels getting moved out of order fairly frequently, and I'd love to be able to tell who did it.
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I could *really* use a join/leave channel log so that I could keep track of attendance in my classes that I'm live-streaming on Discord.
Due to the pandemic, I've been using Discord to teach a sophomore-level Electrical and Computer Engineering class with 55 students and a senior-level elective ECE class on Programmable Logic Controllers with 19 students. It is literally the best live-streaming platform available for both lecturing on a whiteboard (Xjournal++ is open-source and it rocks!) and demonstrating engineering software and tools. It's also the only one that I know of that supports private/unlisted invite-only servers and is actually useful. The students that join late and are beyond the expanded 50 person limit have to watch on Zoom. There is an educational market out there that is not served well by the tools that are available and that market is not going away after the pandemic is over and in-person classes resume. Discord really should worked with professors and educators out there who know this platform and use it to teach. It's great already but with a few tweaks, they'd be way ahead of the competition.
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I have administrative roles on a server where channels don't stop moving. It has been going on for a long time, and we would like to know who or what is causing that, but we do not have a way of knowing for sure why it is happening.
I think that if channel movements appear in the audit log this could be solved easily and quickly so please discord, add that feature.
A lot of users will be happy if you do this.
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It will be great if we can have more information in the audit log ^^
228 條評論