poke feature
Make it toggleable in your user settings 18 -
I am missing this feature so much. It is annoying to be forced to start a call on someone to "poke them" making them and you leave any currently active voice chats just to give them a notice.
It is needed if the other person have muted message notification sounds (because it is annoying) and they are ingame or watching a movie/video. Even if they aren't muted it is a less brutish way to make someone notice you.
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I would prefer that it was implemented in a way that one person asks another for permission to be able to send pokes. In this way it cannot be abused by unknowns.
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i hope the attention a german youtuber gave this again will finally boost it into existing!
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Please add this! Me and my friends have DM chats full of us saying some variation of the word "poke" and it would be great to not have to do that.
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We need this so much.Please add poking.
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Discord Team has been Poked!
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Referring to Daramarak's reply, having it roll based would accomplishment this. The dev's may also consider a client side toggle option for muting pokes. Though, a notification should still show, because you would be in a server, where someone with an assigned role allowing that ability need to get your attention. If the feature is used excessively by someone, the server owner/ moderator that gave them that roll would need to step in.
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To further reduce visual spam on screen, the poke could appear in a modal type window section that accumulates pokes from the same person. That way you can see the poke reason(s) and close then all at once (for each 'poker')
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This sounds terrible to me. I am a server owner, so I get a lot of dumb DMs, and it's already very annoying when someone calls you or starts spamming your DMs to bring your attention. I can't imagine how bad it would be if Discord incited users to do this.
Please, only allow poking if the other account is your friend, and allow us to completely disable poking and/or disable/enable it only for specific friends, and let the other party know.
I'd rather the other user to not have a poke button rather than clicking it and it doing nothing.
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Bumping this as we still need it.
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Where is the poke??
*POKES* Discord developers.
We need this now!
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discord dont care anymore?
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Love pokediger1 it amazing . I wished I could collab with him
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Why have they not add thios in 3 years?
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d i s c o r d p l z
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YES! Bring it to discord we're missing this feature !
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Come on guys, we really need these!
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We need this!
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Please add this feature this is the only thing holding me back from using discord
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*pokes a discord developer*
u dead?guys i think he's dead.
EDIT: In all honesty, this is a great feature for getting peoples attention. I hope they add it.
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pls pls pls add poke discord ty
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I want this! I missed this so much.
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On my hands and knees begging for this to be added
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Add it please, it's SOOO useful.
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this request exists for 3 years and nothing happened.
Discord team implement this feature, please!0
33 條評論