Message Threads



680 條評論

  • Marcos Borges

    I'm too hope this feature is availible.

  • Oussa

    Compared to the other feature requests here, I see that the stuff that has around 10000 votes got a serious attention and got implemented.

    Thus, we need to have a lot more up-voting on this Threads feature that unfortunately in 2 years gathered only 2500 up-votes.

    Please share in the big channels you are in so people who also support this feature are aware of this and can vote here.

  • SunSparc

    Good point, @Oussa. Although, this feature has the most comments, by far. :) 

  • schwabo

    Eould bee soooo nice! Killing slack instant for me if it will be released!

  • Anonyx

    please. I don't wanna use slack. everything I have is on discord. I have zero reason to use slack except for its message threading. p l e a s e

  • James Cobalt

    Oussa I'm not so sure it'll help. Stickers had relatively very little support here yet that got shipped because it was seen as an opportunity to bring in revenue. If Discord thought they could charge for threading it'd probably exist already. The odd thing is, considering the passion and insistence among the subset of users who do desire threading, it probably is a revenue opportunity. I'm sure a lot of communities and businesses would pay for boosts to reach whatever level afforded the functionality. In fact, a number of comments here have stated they would gladly pay for it. (though I sincerely hope it'll appear as a core feature seeing it's critical to keeping discussions tidier regardless of server size)

    In the meantime, we're experimenting with Threadstorm and our own concurrently-developed Thread Bot to create temporary channels that fork off a post.

    Threadstorm is promising but we wanted something emoji-based and easier so we're toying with our own. Concept is you react with the new-thread emoji and a new channel is made in that category below the current channel. This new channel is visible to the person who wrote the post, the person who added the emoji, and anyone else who reacts with the emoji after. Once discussion dies down in the temp channel it is hidden and moved to an archived-channels category. After a period of time it is automatically deleted.

    It is hacky, and it doesn't fulfill all the same requirements of true threads, but it does help a bit with discussion forks. For admins who can see everything, the channel list gets quite messy. But hey, we're desperate!

    [thread channel forked off a post in the #florida channel above it]

  • kosmas-fmlx

    I agree.

    Many users will switch to slack as well if they can start a voice channel. But, it will be quite impossible for now I guess.

  • RobbyBranham

    Bump. Majorly need this! 

  • real_ate

    I really hope that isn't what Discord considers "threads". It's nice but it doesn't go nearly far enough to solve this request

  • evang522

    Yeah, that is definitely a nice and needed feature for making 'citing' messages look better, but it definitely does not resolve the need for threads. 

  • Seasider

    Can't see threads happening if time and development has gone into the new reply feature. Hopefully it's just the start of the transition to move to nested threads or something like that. Wishful thinking!

  • zzzzzz

    Ah damn... I don't like the look of that. Oof

    I doubt this is a precursor to threads, it looks like they gave up on it and went for this insanely watered down reply feature. w h y w h y w h y

  • Xumasso Horton

    We just need a "one level" thread that notifies whoever "follows" that thread.
    All messages for that thread stays "encapsulated" and you automatically "follow" that thread if you wrote the original message or if you wrote something on it...
    If you are interested in its content you should select "follow" on a thread and you will get notifications for any updates on it.
    From the main chat, you should only see a "counter" showing how many messages there is inside that thread. 
    Also, we need a way to find which "threads" you are active (following).
    To stop notifications if you are not interested anymore, you can just "unfollow" that thread and stop to receive notifications from it.

    I know it involves a lot of development to get it working properly, but the idea is not THAT complicated.

    "Replies" is not what we want... 

  • System

    When will this finally happen? It makes me not want to use Discord when any server or group DM gets flooded with message after message, rather than allowing organization. No one wants to sift through hours of a conversation that happened when they were gone. But if threads existed, then this would actually lead to more engagement.

  • i6

    Two years, 2500+ votes, and STILL no updates on this? What's the point in a feedback portal if Discord don't READ the damn feedback??

  • evang522

    Well, someone made a good point earlier that this feature has comparatively few votes compared with other features. Perhaps if we were all more active about asking others who agree with the need for it to upvote this it could be helpful

  • real_ate

    This feature has comparatively few votes compared to other features because it's the only one that wasn't ported from their previous requests site. If you look, all the features that have more votes than this one were submitted by "Nelly" (which shows you the features that were imported) 

  • Marc-IFC

    The problem with threads is that Slack applied for a patent with their exact design for message threads. You can find it using Google. It's probably extremely difficult for Discord to add something similar because of this. But we'll wait and see... I still have hope. That new "reply" feature is a start.

  • SunSparc

    Well look at that, there is a patent application:

    Interesting. That seems like a bold move on the part of Slack. Though the way slack does it is not the only way to handle threads.

  • december

    I think there could be some workaround to this patent, as I would say Facebook comment replies are very similar to Slack Threads, and Reddit Threads share similarities too, so I think if they make some differentiations it should be okay.

  • striteralfa

    Support this idea, would be nice and discord messages will become more well organized

  • DingoFnBaby

    The new "reply" feature is essentially the implementation chosen for "Threads".  It's being slow rolled out as we speak, saw it yesterday for some on mobile, but can't find it in the windows 10 client yet.

  • frostbyte000jm

    I mean... the reply feature helps, but not what is needed. The reply feature replaces me taking a screen shot of what someone said and replying to it. But it doesn't fix 1 person asking a question and then 2 people having a discussion over another topic, and the question is lost forevers. 

  • Sairam

    Yeah, I agree. The new replies feature just has some visuals and some extra stuff. But still the message is lost above, if there's a a active discussion. So, I think, having threads is better, and as a moderator and a owner of a server, I feel that threads can solve the problem of tickets. 

    and it would be cool to make threads public, or keeping it private for the users who choose to join.

  • Klemm

    Im not sure how Slack has a patent on threads, when they literally just copied a shitter version of reddit's replys. N1 depth. The reply system that is being deployed now feels like the version mattermost chat has, which is one of the more garbage "threads" because it clutters up the main chat.

    Edit: It seems like the side panel on the right in a thread is what they patented. Not threads. Here is a better link with their submitted diagrams.

  • Angel Angelic_Vamp

    Although 'reply' is the first step of progress, it's no different than using 'quote' or tagging someone and reply to them. Threads are still something we need but all the same, it's still progress by baby steps. Who knows? Maybe by next year or further more Discord's function might evolve into literal 'threads' than 'reply'. (I'm talking as if they're pokemon XD)

  • Klemm

    TFW ppl realize the reply feature is basically a sided graded quote feature :sweastiny:

  • James Cobalt

    The patent application isn't really the problem. Software patents are increasingly unenforceable, even in the USA. Ignore what the abstract and descriptions say in the patent - focus on the 30-ish jigsaw-puzzle-like claims it makes. Even if this patent is defensible (unlikely for so.many.reasons - from lack of novelty to prior art), if anyone makes a change to one of those 31 claims, they are not infringing on the patent. The patent only protects implementations in which every single element is put into action.

  • cassiewilson

    Just wanted to add to this thread (lol) to say that we absolutely need threading in Discord. 

