Two Functions: Reply Function & Last-DM Function
Both functions an option per-server/discorder
Reply Function: Allow replies to text-chat that will mitigate to the bottom of chat but have a hoverable button that displays what they replied to and a link to quickly travel to the location of the original post.
Last-DM Function: Keeps the last DM at the top of the Avatar logos list for quicker access. Alas, the last person to DM you would replace the person prior to them.
I'm going to upvote for Reply function. Would have written down a separate post but lets avoid spam.
I really want reply thing too.
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I totally agree. I have just moved from Slack and this is the only thing I miss.
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That’s the point of mentioning them no?
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Sorry man, didn't get you
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Just want to echo that this feature greatly increases the user experience. You can find them in major messaging platforms, with Messenger recently supporting it.
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Yeah, this definitely needs to be a feature, for sure.
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Hm, a feature like this could proof useful. Not just for avoiding to derail an ongoing conversation, but also to keep a much better overview both for the people replying like that and the people receiving replies like that. Definitely something I'd use =D
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Great suggestion :)
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Reply option is really the only thing I miss in discord. It’s very hard to continue and follow conversations without this feature.
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It would be great to see this feature in a future update!
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I can just agree.
By adding more structure to a conversation, while removing ambiguity, it greatly enhances the user experience.
It is also a feature, which is supported by most messaging platforms.
Just for reference: from the platforms I use, the following support direct reply:
- Signal
- Telegram
- WhatsApp
The following don't:
- Discord1 -
This kind of thing would be pretty cool, I sometimes forget who I'm replying to, or what it was about. 0 -
So is this something beyond just using @ (username) to note the person you're replying to?
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I was just about to post this same thing. I really hope they add this. It was recently added to Messenger, and it is extremely helpful.
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(regarding )
@Togusa Yup. What is asked for with this suggestion is an option to reply to a message (not just a person).
This way you can clearly see what a new message is referring to, which helps in very active channels, with multiple conversations at the same time, a lot. It also helps, if you're referring to a very old message. Additionally you can click on the quoted message (the one someone is replying to) and the chat application shows you the original message the person is replying to.
Here's an example of what that looks like in Telegram:1 -
Some may say the @-mention is enough, but I sometimes encounter situations, where someone asks me 2 things (so 2 messages), but I want to answer "yes" to one question and "no" to the other.
So it's just easier and prevents misunderstandings, when you have a reply feature like WhatsApp does have it.
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It happens to me so often that I want to reply to something but there are so many new messages it wouldn't make sense even with mentions. I suggest to add "reply to <user> posted on <DD:MM> at <HH>" tag to message and if you hover over it, it shows the quoted message. It is so annoying we can't reply. Also Messenger has great implementation
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Very very good idea to raise overall quality of discussion.
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quoting a message would also help?
can a hotkey for it be double tab the name? writing '@parti'-tab would fill name, then it would show recent message (or at least the last message) and another tab to select which message to reply to.
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why so much time in a simple function?
=/0 -
Quoting is a must have for the reply part.
This easily became my most used feature on - even in one-on-one conversations. Discord could just copy that implementation.
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Personally, I don't think this is needed - but I may be in the minority. *shrug*
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any progress? Really liked it in via Slack, WhatsApp, and now, Facebook messenger
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Fact that this is missing is crazy. It's a standard feature in basically every single messaging app now. Especially ones as robust as Discord. Very confusing and cumbersome to have large groups and keep conversations straight.
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Team discord, when is this going to be available? It is a needed feature.
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I really miss reply option. :(
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This is a very important feature.
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How is this not implemented yet?????
I'm pretty sure you could even just base it off someone else's code, like, oh, I don't know, Telegram?
Hint: Check GitHub.
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Reply feature would be great. It will give easy access to original message and better understanding of dialogue. (Just make like in a Telegram, it is too good) It will be great to use “swipe to answer” or “tap and hold” context menus at least. I hope it is really possible in Discord, thanks for awesome app. Wish it will become even better
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it doesn't sound hard to implement. it'd prolly just have to use message ids. please discord <3<3
36 條評論