Search bar is white in dark theme



9 條評論

  • 正式評論
    Dabbit Prime

    If you have a general question about Discord please contact our support team via or tweet us @discordapp. This website is specifically for new feature suggestions to add to Discord. As such, I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.

  • Gekko

    Just updated this evening. Same problem here. It is really just an eye sore.

  • Unactive

    Zoey it's not that bots were affected. Issues include different part of the application having reverse colours/transparency problems.

    Some texts appear black, which is hard to read : the footer of Embeds, the "no pinned message" in a channel
    The "Access button" in the search has colours reversed
    The borders in the mentions section is a heavy black one
    The "New Unread messages" has a transparent background

    There may be some other problems, but it's just to say that it's only User-Interface problems, which did not affect the API or bots user #do-not-push-to-master-branch discord devs.

  • shui

    yeah same problem, fix this discord asap 

  • EkisuCaliba

    Dear god Discord please Revert this change.

  • Zoey

    Think one or more bots were affected as well.

    Like the Genesis bot for warframe alerts and such, was fine yesterday, now the text from it is all messed up..
    Scrolling back up to before whatever bug broke it all, even that bot text has been affected.

  • Lor

    Just Uninstall discord and reinstall it, thats what i did and it fixed it


  • Jobot88>>

    Oof yea i have the same problem, its just like cancer for eyes xD

  • Unactive

    Also, no need to uninstall/reinstall. I just refreshed Discord (ctrl + R, no need to even close the app) and all I just said seemed to be back to normal.

