Channel Specific Nicknames


40 條評論

  • zSnails

    idk how the servers work, but that would take a lot of space in the servers (no the servers you're in i mean the real servers)

  • Aiden

    Yes, this would be great for RPG servers. The server admin could allow certain channels to have different nicknames, and would persist if a player changed it within the channel, and not update all conversations like a server level nickname. So if I have two characters, Black Knight and Frenchman, it would look like:

    Black Knight

    "i am invincible!"


    (other gameplay conversations)


    "Your mother is a hamster..."

  • Falco

    Definitely would love to see this

  • Dan Abrey

    +1 for this. Would be very useful in my use case of fantasy football league servers, too. We have different team names in different leagues, so being able to have specific nicknames in each channel would be great.

  • trishiekaty

    This would be a very useful feature to have!!

  • Riker_Turos

    I really like this idea, but I think I'd actually prefer per category instead of per channel.

  • Tempest

    Using this feature as well as discord overlay to identify player callsigns if they're RPing emergency services will make life easier too!

  • bliestek

    this would be great for RP! It means we could specify call signs based upon categories or channels!

  • Tomiwa

    is there no bot that can perform this function? Like there should be a bot that can change your server name?


  • Falco

    Uh, no, a bot can't change nicknames per Channel. Discord would need the functionality to have different names for different channels. Which is what this thread is about.

  • Felbane

    +1, this would be awesome for our tabletop group where we have a rotation of games in-play and have categories for each game. Per-category nicknames would fit the bill for my purposes.

  • jules

    ok but this is such a good idea for the RP people, why isn't this a thing yet?

  • play2imagine

    This would be amazing!!

  • Jerred

    Speaking as someone who almost exclusively uses Discord for RPGs, this would be incredibly useful, as I have (currently) 3 games with the same group running almost concurrently.

  • Gunar

    I would love to see this feature as well, being someone that now have a lot more groups running RPG through discord due to the quarantine, having this possiblity would be a godsent since all rpgs are being run on the same server.

  • Tomiwa

    Has anyone gotten in touch with discord about this?

  • Cynthia | Akye

    I'm currently working on a bot that could provide this exact feature, unfortunately it's seemingly impossible for a bot to change the username of an admin. It works for everyone else, but us two admins. Would be a very wanted feature.

  • Riker_Turos

    Have you given your bot an admin role with permissions to manage nicknames?

  • Cynthia | Akye

    Yes, full admin permissions and every single permission there is. I still get a DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions

  • Tomiwa

    Cynthia! Thats so cool! I got a friend working on it too and he made some progress and he had a different problem. The bot he made could change anyones name including an admin, but it would change all instances of the persons name at the same time so it didn't end up actually being channel specific. It was only specific when you were looking at the channel if that makes sense.

    Anyway, could you let us know if you figure it out?

  • Cynthia | Akye

    Well I save the user id, channel id (the specified channel by id), the orginal name, nickname. I'm using discord.js and on the voiceStateUpdate event I compare the userID and channelID with the registered ones. If the user is in  the specified channel, the Display name is changed to the saved nick, when leaving the channel it's changed to the original display name. I change the display name with the member.setNickname function. This works fine, as long you are ranked below the bot.

  • Tomiwa

    yeah you lost me at discord.js

    I need some coding in Uni but I was a slow learner xD

  • Crashingnick757


    Does the bot have a higher rank than you? If not then that might be why, because even if I'm admin I can't change the nicknames of people who are a higher rank than me.

  • DeadRedRedemption

    I'd really love to see this.  We have a GW2 server, where people have whatever name they choose which is fine, however we have a raid channel where it would be really useful if the poster's name could be set to their account name.  It's something that would look really odd if it was server wide, but that one channel would be amazing.

  • Rez Delnava


    Any updates on your bot? Or would you be willing to share your code with an unfortunate soul who's been saddled with managing the server for a town's entire D&D community and desperately needs a nickname manager. There's a game every night and a number of players are in multiple games and they forget to change their nick's for the night.

  • Riker_Turos

    I'm also interested in looking at the source code, and maybe modifying it slightly to fit my needs better.

    Cynthia, do you have a github project you could put commit it to and share with us please? I'm willing to help you out with testing and debugging if you do.

  • Cynthia | Akye

    Oh jeez my code is like gutter trash, but I'll take a look another look to post it on GitHub. My bot currently works in the following sense:

    - You can register a nickname for any voice channel

    (It saves your user id, the channel id, nick and your original nick before the change.)

    (The bot gathers the channels of any guild by startup and sorts them by channel ID and their name)

    - Upon joining a voice channel through the voiceStateUpdate Event it reads out the registered nick and the channel, it checks for registrations and the nick. If the user joins a registered channel and also has a nick for that channel the bot changes their nick.

    - Upon joining a voice channel where the user is not registered, the bot changes the username back to the originally registered nickname

    (There is to be noted, that this works for everyone, but the server owner, as long the bot has the highest possible role)

    GIF of the feature

  • Riker_Turos

    Looks good! Let me know if you get a github project up!

  • Wombo-Combo

    It would be awesome to have this as a Discord feature! But if you (Cynthia | Akye) have a bot that would be a perfect workaround until Discord implements it. Let us know if you get the github project up, would be very helpfull and the community could contribute. :)

  • LeMatt (MattkowA)

    Hey Cynthia, this is some amazing stuff! Please do mention once it's operational!

