Less updates, disable auto-update or scheduled updates?
Honestly, Discord is such a great app. And this greatness is becoming diminished by the fact that Discord just DOES. It updates whenever it wants, very frequently.
I have a very slow Internet. And about every little fluctuation in Down- and Upload is noticeable during gaming, which is why I tend to disable auto-update across every app that I have on my computer and schedule it for the night, so over the day I at least can play in peace. Well, not with Discord. I neither have the option to schedule an update, nor can I disable them. But our great team pushes out sizable updates pretty much every day. Sorry, but one thing I dislike about that kind of update frequency is how much my Internet bends under that weight.
Please give us an option for disabling auto-updates. So I can play in peace and Discord doesn't always interrupt my sessions.
Thank you very much.
When I travel, I'm charged for data a lot of the time and a lot of the time I have very unreliable access. If I start discord and it does updates, i kill it and i just can't use discord until i get somewhere with free internet access.
Prompt people to let them decide. It sucks.
18 -
Just launched Discord today, it updated to the newest version, and now it does not work due to the lack of OSX 10.9 support. No warning, no heads up, just updated itself and quit. I can't go beyond 10.9 either due to the fact that my audio interface does not support anything beyond. I use discord heavily on this computer and wasn't planning on replacing a vital part of gear just to be able use Discord.
15 -
Automatic update is a very annoying feature of any software. I stopped using skype precisely because of that kind of disturbing behaviour. Now discord does the same to me. For the time being I will only use only the web version, and have now to decide, should I stick with discord further on...
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And had the issue again. Yesterday. played a game, suddenly lagged out for 10 minutes. checked what it was, and it was Discord. Match ruined. Updates can happen after a game was closed as well. That's my point.
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Mine updated today too. Now it no longer works.
I can't upgrade to 10.10 for workflow reasons. So lame. Can't install the old version either.
Discord is a big part of keeping in contact with people. The web version isn't practical.9 -
I have to use my mobile hotspot to use Discord at work on my laptop, and the updates fail for HOURS before it finally goes through. I've gone DAYS without being able to use Discord due to some trivial, minor update to something barely anyone cares about.
PLEASE, either:
A) Bundle updates together so they come out no more than once a week (twice a month is preferable)
B) Allow Discord to start without an update unless it's flagged as critical9 -
I have the same issue. Just had to endure 20 Minutes of lag throughout my gaming session until I found out that Discord once again was responsible for that.
Edit: Wasn't just Discord.
8 -
Please make updates optional unless they contain absolutely critical and necessary security patches or similar updates. I don't need the latest emojis right this second, I can install them a bit later.
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Please, allow us to turn off auto updates.
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PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Allow me to turn off auto updates. Every single time I open the app it has to update!
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Agree with all of the above. We just had a 50 man op wrecked because half of the people disconnected from the game because Discord decided it would be a brilliant idea to push out an update in the middle of North America prime time 5-9pm. I mean Jesus Christ, do that $#!+ in the middle of the night, and NOT while a game platform is running on your clients' computer.
Get it together.6 -
Yeah I want a setting to turn off Auto Updating. Your pushing releases and not publishing what your changing to the change log. That makes me nervous. Your Change Log blog hasn't been updated since September 2019 < insert surprised slow eye blink here >.
6 -
Great idea,
Upvoted! :)
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Yes please, auto updates - while some updates might be for security - should be something we can disable
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In my case the internet transmission is not a problem. But I use a spellchecker in my language and it switches to English when an update is pending. So I have to restart Discord for spellchecker to work again. Also the first launch also takes a bit longer recently because of more frequent updates. Even few month ago it was updating every 3-4 days. Now it is doing that sever times during a SINGLE day. Very annoying
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Anyone found any solution for this?
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Discord is worse than Microsoft in auto-updates. Just have a simple tick-box to turn on and off auto-updates! Everyone can then choose to update or not, just like EVERY other app. How difficult is it to implement this? Fix it.
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Wow Discord Wow, all these unnecessary changes to logo, and colors and pings, and reactions and more changes that no one ever asked for; but you are completely ignoring the real issues.
3 -
The update frequency is downright user hostile. Completely unnecessary. Cool it, guys.
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2021 and still not even an option for turning off auto-updates... bruh.
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I'm discord user form ubuntu. I installed it using snap. Now, when I start discord It force me to update download a .deb package. So, I can't use discord until be available on snap?
It's a use case where autoupdate is anoying
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Все что требуется от разработчиков, это выпускать обновления реже.Я думаю не так уж и трудно выпускать обновления не раз в 3 дня, а раз в месяц.
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Crap like this is why discord is one of the worst apps out there. I wish people would stop using this garbage.
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I completely agree. I am trying to run a class and hold office hours on Discord and being unable to access Discord until I update twice since the beginning of school is a real problem.
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It would also be great to release the update before the updater blocks starting
So, for example, package maintainers for Linux can update the package so people don't have to wait till that happens and can do updates and then start discord right away1 -
For everyone looking how to do that - in the discord app folder (~/.config/discord/ on linux (or in your xdg config folder), in appdata I think on Windows, no clue about mac) there is a settings.json file - you can add those lines:
after the first line with the {
No idea for how long it was there, but this prevents discord from refusing to start unless you update it as well as from those random updates everyone here wants to get rid off.
Reminder to update your Discord once in a while as at some point it will stop working as they change their api or something, as well as security, yep
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It really annoys me when I open the app and it's doing all the checking updates and other things. The worst part is it takes over all from all of the apps instead of quietly doing these updates in the background.
There are too many updates and it's really annoying as it takes around 30 seconds each time and I don't see any new features or experience any improvement in the app….
So - why so many updates with so few new things? and why take over my screen so whatever I'm doing gets disrupted?
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PLEASE please stop automatically downloading updates while I'm using the app. I don't mind the updates when I open it, but when I'm in VC and a game, Discord's self updating has interfered as my internet cannot handle downloading the update while in an online game and VC.
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Yeah this is bullshit. Read through some of these comments, Discord. Ask yourself: If this is not an overwhelmingly negative response to an unnecessary policy, then what is?
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I generally update all my software system wide (on arch linux) and having discord update on its own is completely useless in my case (and many other linux users). Please for the love of God, just add an option to turn of auto-updates! We never asked for logo changes but atleast grant us this!
37 條評論