Linux Update
已回覆Ever since Linux got an update, I've had discord open and then it freezes a few minutes after opening and I can't do anything with it, the call just stops messages I get on my phone are showing up hours after they were received on my phone. Please help me with this.
Hi, sorry you're having this problem. If you'd like help in troubleshooting your issue, please fill out this form:
However, since this website is for suggestions on new features to add to Discord I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.
I have the same problems on Linux Mint 19. Turning off hardware acceleration does not help. Discord still freezes after a couple of hours. The current call, however, continues. I just can't interact with the program.
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Hey, same here since 0.0.8 Discord freezes after certains amount of time and the interface became unresponsive and crash :/
Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon
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Same here. Discord 0.0.8 slow down / freeze after a random amount of times.
I followed these steps, but It keep freezing/slowing down :
OS : Linux Mint 19 Tara
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Same problem here on Linux Mint 19. Turning hardware acceleration off made no difference. Please fix this bug since it is really disturbing and annoying!
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Hey, disable Hardware Acceleration doesn't work... It is less laggy (I think...) but it still crash after few hours...
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@Coleta Morada as I have mentioned above, I have already tried the PTB (0.0.13) with no improvement. PTB also freezes and crashes in the same way as the regular version.
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The PTB did not work. It seemed to 'reset' the issue - it took 8-10 hours for the issue to return, but now it's back and as bad as ever.
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Had Discord running in the terminal today and this is the log:
~ discord
Discord 0.0.8
Starting updater.
[Modules] Modules initializing
[Modules] Distribution: remote
[Modules] Host updates: enabled
[Modules] Module updates: enabled
[Modules] Module install path: /home/oli-f/.config/discord/0.0.8/modules
[Modules] Module installed file path: /home/oli-f/.config/discord/0.0.8/modules/installed.json
[Modules] Module download path: /home/oli-f/.config/discord/0.0.8/modules/pending
[Modules] No updates to install
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
[Modules] Starting to install discord_media...
[Modules] Fetching discord_media@0 from
[Modules] Streaming discord_media@0 [251 bytes] to /home/oli-f/.config/discord/0.0.8/modules/pending/
[Modules] Finished module downloads. [success: 0] [failure: 1]
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
[000:000] [26412] ( Unable to create encoder for {name: opus, clockrate_hz: 48000, num_channels: 1, parameters: {stereo: 0, usedtx: 0, useinbandfec: 0}}
[000:000] [26412] ( Failed to set up send codec state.
[000:055] [26412] ( Unable to create encoder for {name: opus, clockrate_hz: 48000, num_channels: 1, parameters: {stereo: 0, usedtx: 0, useinbandfec: 1}}
[000:055] [26412] ( Failed to set up send codec state.
[000:055] [26412] ( BuiltInAECIsAvailable: Not supported on this platform
[000:091] [26412] ( Unable to create encoder for {name: opus, clockrate_hz: 48000, num_channels: 1, parameters: {stereo: 0, usedtx: 0, useinbandfec: 1}}
[000:091] [26412] ( Failed to set up send codec state.
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
Failed to get crash dump id.
Report Id: OK
[1] 26307 segmentation fault discord2 -
I am experiencing the same problem since the update to version 0.0.8 and I also tried the PTB version 0.0.13.
After a random amount of time, Discord slows down and eventually the UI freezes completely (audio still working). Sometimes it just crashes.
This bug is especially annoying, because i3 also becomes unresponsive for serveral seconds when trying to open the favicon menu.
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa with i3 desktop
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Same issue here. I'll give the PTB a try.
Interestingly, once Discord freezes, accessing other apps tends to be slow until I'm finally 'away' from Discord. But usually when it's away/minimized, if I try to right click the icon to hit Quit, my machine freezes for 10-30 seconds.
Like others, I've been experiencing general slowdown, the responsiveness of the app quickly decaying soon after running for a bit. Calls continue to function regardless. I also experience pretty consistent random 'CTDs' when in a call overnight. If I don't CTD, I'll often find that my Discord will choose random times after the call has been going on quite a long time to simply disconnect the call and not attempt to reconnect whatsoever, as if I had clicked the button to end the call.
I understand Discord uses RTC so it could be simply something on our connection with each other, but I don't understand why Discord doesn't seem to try to reconnect the call.
I've had this issue both with Ubuntu 18 and Debian 9 (technically MX Linux 18). I switched to MX thinking this Discord issue was actually Ubuntu's fault. I'm happy with the move, but obviously it wasn't Ubuntu's problem.1 -
I think I found the solution and it worked for me.
Go to User Settings --> Appearance
Then scroll down to Advanced
Toggle Hardware Acceleration as OFF
If you already did so or this does not work for you, I'll try my best to help you with it
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you think thats bad, I keep getting asked to MANUALLY update it, its at the latest version, and it STILL asks to manually update, this is a serious bug that needs squashing for the latest version of discord for linux.
OS: Linux mint Tara
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Well. I've had this weird issue, where my mic only works for half a second, then Discord won't notice any activity. I can find the Microphone under settings, and it works in other programs, but Discord is just broken as always. I'm starting to regret that I switched to Discord. Because I've only had trouble with it.
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@Codekight this should help with the mic problem
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that actually works, thank you discord pbt :)
Edit: Yup, it works, made it past the updater, it no longer asks me to manually download the same up to date file each time. Nor is it stuck in an update loop.
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Try to install the latest PTB (Public Test Build).
Go to the download page and click here:-3
17 條評論