new features make core chat feature worse
I just got a new version of Discord. (I'd tell you which version but I can't find it in the UI.)
The box where I type chat comments, the core UI of the whole app, just grew two new inset half-transparent buttons, a gift button and a GIF button.
Every time I type anything, it word wraps before reaching those buttons, making the space available for typing much less than before and making things scroll vertically for no good reason.
You have made your app's core feature (chatting) worse to add some stupid fluff (gifts and GIFs).
You should undo that. Put the stupid fluff off in a menu somewhere. Do not break core features for fluff. Or, if you MUST put them right there because your marketing VP thinks it's SO important, give users who don't want them a way to turn them off.
I know, your marketing department made you do that. They are wrong. When your users switch to another chat client because you make Discord suck, nobody will be using your new gift feature.
Your core features are sacrosanct. Do not screw them up. It will cost you customers. No customers, no Discord.
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