Discord Chat Badges.
Now, upon updating my server about the new Server Nitro Boosts and the role that comes with it I was talking about how we should have the ability to have chat badges like how the Gem for boosting shows up on someone in the Role list/Online list. I have the idea it should be like Twitch does it with their chat. Limit Max is 3, that being the 3rd one is a Badge of Power for the Discord server only like Mod badges on twitch. The first 2 should be like The Hype-Squad badges and the Nitro badge or something of the same. With that also allowing one of the Server Boost level perks be that people came create 1 or 2 custom Badges for their Server or something along those lines. This is just an idea that I have and it would be something to add for features of Server level perks.
Thanks for your time.
Je pense que cela peux être vraiment vraiment bien! Pour les badges personnalisés, faites des limites de membres ou de Boost afin que seuls les serveurs soient authentifiés et actifs soient désirés de cet avantage.
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