turn 'note' section into 'bio' section
Turn the NOTE section on a profile into a simple bio that you could edit in your account settings along with the avatar, tag, name etc.
None of the people I know on discord use the note feature, and it'd be pretty cool to have a bio that could contain some noteworthy information set by the user. (As an example. I'd put my aliases in my bio.)
I think it would make people click on each other's profiles more often, as there would be more relevant information there, apart from the connected profiles from other platforms. That'd be a good thing because I rarely do that, and I've got a feeling other people rarely do that too.
nobody uses note feature, replace with bio instead
yes, but how do you turn the note section into a bio section? that's what I'm trying to figure out
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Not sure why this is being downvoted. SMH.
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What's with all the downvotes? I think it's pretty awesome, any other opinions?
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so.....how do you do it lmfao
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People, this isn’t a tutorial on how to do it, it’s a SUGGESTION for the developers. That’s why you can’t figure it out. But it would be nice and it’s on my wishlist, too.
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This really should be added, the only thing I use notes for is to know a user's alias that I know them by. It be great to have a real bio section though that can be edited by the user and everyone can see it.
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am i the only one who still cant figure it out?
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no, me too
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here are some of my ideas!
i use notes primarily to keep track of who's who. so in a sense, it DOES have that certain use! but it's a smaller utility/miscellaneous type of use. so perhaps the notes section could be placed under the bio? the bio would be the star attraction, given it'd be the source of, like OP stated, all the relevant information.
i'd like to think that'd be the best of both worlds!!~or, i propose this alternative to solve the note problem (although it's a little bit off-topic...) what if we could set nicknames for users akin to phone contacts? not quite like managing server nicknames, but in where one could set a nickname for a user that only the person who set it up would see, appearing after their username.
here's an example:
atoyako (person from that server)also, in streaming mode, we could have a feature to protect privacy: in which one is able to disable the nicknames/contact names...etc. just in case real names/private information is used!
in conclusion, an official BIO option within discord is an excellent idea and one could even do both of the ideas mentioned here at the same time.
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now that there is a official About Me for nitro users, can it be edited on Mobile? I haven't found a way
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this is over 1 year old btw
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Yeah but, how tf do i do it??????
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Yeah I agree
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The About me Feature I believe doesn't work on Mobile.
15 條評論