personalize notification sounds
Yes, I too would like to change the notification sound on a per server basis.
Main reason: We also use Discord for work and now when hearing the notification sound I don't feel "ooh, a Discord notification" any more, but instead I feel "what the *#$%& do they want now?" So basically I want my positive associations to the Discord notification sound back.
I use the web client.
53 -
Being able to customize notification sounds on a Server or even User basis would be fantastic. Or "Server notification" versus "DM notification" would even make life much better. There's only one server I care about sometimes hearing notifications for, but sometimes, I really only care about hearing if someone DMs me. Or tags me, I suppose - we don't use that option much in our group.
As a user, it would be great to be able to upload (or choose from a list) different notification noises for different servers, or different users. If that's too complex, then perhaps the owner of a server could select from a list of choices for notification sounds pertaining to their server.
Perhaps, as an additional idea, we could change the volume on notification sounds? Either across the board, or on a per-server/user basis. So, I'd hear notifications from *this* server significantly louder than those from *that* server, and DMs from my significant other loudest of all. Etc.
36 -
I would love this. Features that would improve Discord dramatically, in descending order of importance to me personally:
- Different sound for pings (or DMs, anything that would create a number notification)
- Ability to set custom ping sound (or perhaps variations in volume or pitch) for each server
- Ability to distinguish between pings and DMs via sounds, and also between direct pings and group pings like @here or @role
This would solve the problem that comes up after using Discord for a little bit, which is becoming so desensitized to the notification sound that you let DMs and pings go unanswered due to not checking on them.
(And if someone wonders "Why don't you just look for the number in the taskbar icon to see if it's important?" - this doesn't work when you're fullscreened in a game or another app and don't have the overlay running!)
33 -
Absolutely agree. Discord's current notification sound is so bland I hardly ever even notice it. We really need to be able to customize our own
31 -
Bump it 'till they see it. :)
23 -
Custom sounds would be awesome on discord, this thread needs more upvote, we need not only customs for server/user basis but custom all over Discord, something like TS.
17 -
I think about how useful this feature would be on a near daily basis!
-Custom sound upload (maybe .wavs and .mp3s?)
-Sound association by Server/User (if DM)/Server Folder (I know it's a reach but it would give server folders a whole new dimension of utility!)
Ideally you could schedule the sounds to be different/switch to things like possibly vibrate or a different sound based on time and day of the week.
16 -
Okay everyone. Listen. They're not going to even give us a polite reply in half a decade (Thanks by the way guys, not rude at all) So this is what you have to do.
This feature is already available. You will need the expansion to Discord, called BetterDiscord.
This will add a menu in your Discord settings where plugins can be added, expanding features to Discord dramatically. Including hiding typing notifications, alerting when people mute or remove you from friends, among other useful tools. Double Click to edit, etc.
What you will want to download from their plugin section is called Notification Sounds
You download the tiny plugin file, open settings in discord, go to the Betterdiscord section and select Plugins. At the top there's a blue button shortcut to the plugin folder. Place the file there, and any other plugin you desire to play with (they're all so great tbh) and then add sounds for the app to use.
They have you create a group for the sounds for easy selection later. Then you go into the list of category events, and select the sounds/groups you want to apply. There are also others in there and you can change everything from the dial sound, the ring, sounds for chat rooms and invites, among others.
You can't set specific users as of yet, but for me, just being able to separate sounds coming from servers, to mentions, to DMs, is a life saver. This is a gamechanger, and it's easy to do. Discord has no excuse to be as rude as they have been ignoring us for so long. The name BetterDiscord, is fitting.
Don't push this to later. It's stupid small and you'll wish you had done it sooner. This isn't a separate client, and you won't have to switch apps. It is a sincere addon to the base Discord client, and is seamless.
Plugins when needing update will let you know at the top when you login or at the start of the day. They just need you to click the announcement to update. Easy peazy, lemonsqueezy.
Before I go, here is a complimentary notification sound, which I use for DMs specifically. Punchy enough to be heard through games and movies, doesn't linger and meshes with the default sound without it being mistaken for anything else. Bright enough to snap your attention when drifting, and doesn't really seem to get annoying....
When I hear this sound, I know someone is directly wanting to talk to me. Which is a much more satisfying feeling than Discord notifications have made anyone feel in a long time.
12 -
+1, should be able to differentiate between messages and pings, because pings could be important and it isn't fair or appropriate to have the same sound for both.
10 -
I have one server that I ALWAYS want to check if it pings, but others are just nice to have. So either I only allow notifications from one, or just miss important notifications because I can't tell them apart
10 -
Totally agree. This is something we really need!
10 -
I’m in 4 rooms on one server 1 room has two dub-rooms. I want to distinguish notifications from the different rooms. Currently, they all sound alike.
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@Fiora you are absolutely right! I still can't believe that an app used by millions, doesn't yet have this function. I cant think of any other app on my phone that I can't set a custom notification for.
8 -
Complete customisation would be fantastic.
Specific sounds for
- Server
- Channels
- DMs and for different people
8 -
2 years later.
We still want this.
Please.8 -
I knew I couldn't be the only one who wanted this feature! This thread is at least two years old already, and obviously very popular. Please make it happen! Some of the more detailed features would make great Nitro perks too!
My personal wish list, roughly in order of importance, with explanations:
- Ability to set different sounds for pings vs. regular notifications (I assume if I'm being pinged, it's more important, so I'd like a different sound for emphasis)
- Ability to turn off notification sounds without turning off the whole notification for different servers, pings, channels (put alongside the mute options) (I still want the notification on my screen so I know about the messages, but sometimes I don't want to hear "babloop" 100 times in a row because my friends are talking excitedly about something)
- Ability to set different sounds for different servers (and maybe even channels too, but I'd settle for servers; maybe per channel can be a nitro perk) (Let's face it, which server or channel a notification is coming from makes a difference in how urgent it is to go look at it. If I get a notification from the server with my super close friends, or the one I made for just me and my spouse, that's more urgent to me than the posts in my local Pokemon Go group.)
- Ability to set custom sounds (in addition to a handful of default options - maybe this one could be a nitro perk. Maybe boosted servers can host their own custom sound options too, the way they do with emojis and stickers? Alternatively, custom sounds could be on a per-device basis, with the sound file needing to be hosted from your device so Discord doesn't need to store millions of people's sound files.) (This one is truly a vanity option, but we have some pretty darn creative people around here. Super Mario World "ding" noises, anyone?)
Ability to set different sounds to different users or roles, or turn sounds for them on or off individually (this sounds like it would be harder to do - maybe another nitro perk?) (There are some people whose messages matter more to us than others. I might not hold my local PoGo group to be super urgent, but if my bestie says something, I'm gonna want to check it out.)
If you're one of the awesome folks in charge, thanks for reading this! I think the first three are the main necessities, but I know y'all like to aspire to greatness.
8 -
My company is switching from Slack to Discord for work chats, but not being able to distinguish between work servers and play servers by sound is very frustrating.
7 -
Would love to customize any dm/server sound notifications to know exactly who's dming me.
I need to separate my work, relationship, and friends. All things I'm sure Discord would like to promote using their program for.
At this point notifications are just something to mute, since the sounds give you zero information aside the fact someone is talking somewhere(maybe). "Discord Email Services" is great, but a messenger would be awesome.
Implementation could be similar to uploading your own emoji.
Harsh limits on file size, length, etc. would be completely understandable.5 -
I have ADHD and can't hear the notification sound when there is anything else going on, because it is so bland and easily ignored. I wish I could change the notifications, ESPECIALLY FOR PINGS (separately), and on a per-server basis. This seems like such a common UX feature that I'm kind of shocked it doesn't already exist ... especially with people requesting it over and over in multiple threads.
5 -
I'm in a room with 2 desks and 2 sets of speakers. It is impossible to tell which computer is getting the notification. It's a waste of time to have to search for which channel on which computer got a message.
5 -
I cannot hear the notification tone when I'm playing music - I want to make it louder or replace it with my own sound.
4 -
people are commenting on this issue for years and discord can't fix it yet!!!!
4 -
I also want this. Make it happen, Discord!
4 -
I'd also like the ability to change notification sounds (and preferences?) per-server primarily, and per-person would be a nice-to-have as well.
4 -
If we can't have a feature that was available on the Nokia 3310 (from 20 damn years ago)
At least tell us what f_ files to change...
4 -
Please, this feature is needed.
4 -
How is this still not a thing
Specific sounds for
- Server
- Server Groups
- DMs Direct Messages
4 -
pretty please w/ sugar etc. let us customize notifications
4 -
Thanks Krystalmyth! That's a great option for my PC. I'm still hoping the right person sees this thread and makes it happen so we can get this functionality for mobile.
4 -
Hey Discord!
Love the app, but it's a bit tough on us that we can't distinguish between DMs @s, and just folks messaging in server.
Please let us set custom/different notification sounds per message type and per server.
It would totally be icing on the cake if we could also go by user. I'd love to hear the difference between that one person that randomly sends me memes every 15 minutes and the person that I'm actually hoping to hear from instead of getting excited and then disappointed every time a message comes through...4
64 條評論