Dissatisfied with changes to Nitro Gifting and "Credits"
I recently ran in to issues trying to purchase Nitro via gift while having a subscription that was ending. After buying and activating the gift, I still ended up losing my Nitro status later that evening because the Gift that was activated had apparently turned in to "credits" since we can no longer add time to a sub that way. This resulted in a frustrating venture with customer service where I was only linked to an article I had already read and marked as irrelevant to my issue. I never did (and still don't) see an option to use Credits at checkout to re-instate my Nitro status. I ended up attempting to purchase a Nitro Gift again after the expiration to try and use the credits that the article assures should be there in this scenario, but there was no verification at checkout, no payment method to use credits, and I was charged again. I ended up out 9.99USD and after 3 days of customer service going Black on me after their first Copy/Paste response, I bit the loss, used my second gift to re-activate Nitro, and consider the Credits lost.
The current Discord setup (both desktop and mobile) does not appear to have a clear way to check if you have credits that can be used. It only has a gift inventory which does not include activated time that was converted. This needs to be fixed if the team expects the new credit system to be used by customers.
If there already is such a thing, I don't see it on my Discord and I'm up to date... I don't know if I'm the only person who got bit by the recent changes, and the fact that the help center is saying they've had a lot of recent confusion with the system change should be a sign that maybe it wasn't a good change. It needs to be easier and more transparent for users who will be affected by credit during a renewal attempt, or reverted to the old system of adding time. It currently is not customer friendly and the help center didn't prove to be helpful at all in resolving the issue when it didn't go the way that the article says it should.
Edit: I found the credit, FINALLY, and only after I RENEWED with the gift I had. To use the credit I had to attach my payment method again. The whole point is to not have autopayments... The fact that I had to renew my Nitro status first to see the credit, then turn it in to an actual subscription to use it is forcing someone in to the subscription service... It's extra unnecessary leg work for anyone who has reasons to not have auto-payments.
Same issue here, I am very dissatisfied with Discord because without a credit card or working paypal they are holding my $10 hostage.
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The fact that this is still a relevant complaint 5 months later is exactly why I haven't paid anything into discord since making this initial topic.
There needs to be a way to do this without auto payments or stored information.3 -
Yeah I hate the update, I primarily use discord on IOS and because I’m on an apple family plan Where all purchases come from someone else’s card (another terrible system) I cant do the cheese of starting a subscription, using the credit, then canceling the sub before it charges me. So now I have a nitro credit just sitting in my account and I can’t use it. It also ruins it for anyone who doesnt have access to a debit/credit card, since you have to link a card to use a credit now it limits the ability to use gifts, not to mention how now gifting is pointless. If you give someone a gift and they dont have a nitro sub already then you just wasted your money. And even if you get them a gift it isnt the same meaning, it used to be you were giving someone the nitro perks and it was an actual “Gift” now its just “hey I’ll pay your nitro bill this month”. Kinda ruins the sentiment.
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