Make nitro free no payment


7 條評論

  • Vigilao 🍍

    It's simple, Nitro subscriptions are a way to get paid.

    If you do not have nitro, nothing happens, you can continue speaking by voice, joining channels and without having the nitro subscription.

  • pawangupta

    wow the great 

  • Sevinco

    yahh but only 4 months account should get nitro free

  • Sevinco

    yahh but only 4 months account should get nitro free

  • Sevinco

    yahh but only 4 months account should get nitro free

  • christian

    How will Discord stay up and make profit then, genius? Most of Discord's revenue comes from nitro.

  • lyn_xoxo

    You do realize that nitro is a big part of discord's income right? We all want free stuff don't we, it's just too good to be true. 

