Make "blocked" messages actually be BLOCKED messages for god's sake
As the title says what it is about and my arguments as to why it should be implemented ASAP instead of just outright ignoring the topic that hit's too close to home for a lot of people.
First and foremost: When I block someone, I wanted them to be fucking blocked, because the way it is, it shouldn't be even called block when it should realistically be called: "Nuclear toxicity temporary hideout". When I see "X 1 blocked messages - Show messages", that shit alone is super fucking annoying and needs to stop existing, it is the literal bane of my existence. So get that shit off my screen.
Secondly: When my OCD, Autism, and Curiosity sees blocked messages:
erjkvhncasekhjfgklSDJbsdujlabfklhjas vkhjsdfbvklhjszdfklujsranvjolsjnbilvsrujilbvSUvbnSDULvhuolSvbnuopdfbvusdfbvuklSFbukSFBvujklSFBvuolzdfhukls;ivhjsero;iga;dihg;ilmgvcipearc,g,ipdfac,odfhc,piosdfh,cg;idshcg,iop;e,hciopero,p;cvihsedio,;cvedaic,il;sehvciop;sehcv,iop;sd,hcv;is,hcv;'ilshvciol;ethvcip[erhg[ipejgcvhzdf'igvh,sdrp;igvip;sd,ci;ldsvchb,ilsdhbcv,vil;dsb,hcil;dvhb,cilsdhb,vil;dsvbh,;lisdm,hcb;ildhbcie,hbcv'ipehcg[ipaec]gb9pawh]p.cbasedf]b csjkhhbcvourtm,vbcuo;srbnc.uio[tcvi;ser,[pecip[c,IP[,ivcm,iev,hg[hiprhim,prgvehim,'eargvhipr,e'ghip,'gverhihiertagvhiergvahimp'gvaerhi,rgvehiergvahimp'rgvehip'rgvhiergvahirgvhim,p'rgvahi,tvhi,pftvhhirbrebuo;tgvdjip'fgvjip'rcsdhumsrcdhuj;mlrcgsehbmjl,;h
Absolutely mental chaos
Finally: I or other people block for god damn good reason. It can come down to the following reasons: toxicity, harassment, bullying, and worst one which is defamation or ruining reputation or intentionally spreading misinformation about you that you don't want to see it on your damn screen when you're dealing with mentally incapable people or worse the memeshitters/shitlords who have nothing to do better in lives than intentionally egoistically being selfish shits who ruin someone's day or making them extremely frustrated at expense of their "don't care" attitude and vocally thinking their opinion is the right one.
So those are my arguments for implementing an actual block feature instead of this half-assed thing you've made.
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