fix your shitty servers lol.


6 條評論

  • Azy

    *even tho they use Google's servers so you should be complaining at Google lol*

  • dqlboeb

    ah, it’s google boogle, lmfao. somehow i am not surprised that they use their trash servers and get outages.

  • Carpetsurfer

    Change to a reliable server then. Still discords fault they rely on others to provide reliable service to there customers.

  • Azy

    God that would break their bank so much, I would love for discord to just have the money to do that, add the fact that they would have to move everything to them servers, boi that would take a long time

  • Andre_601

    I don't mind them using Google Cloud for their stuff...

    But they should AT LEAST have backup-servers available for outages like the ones recently happening... That way could they switch to the backup in such cases.

    But who am I kidding, this is Discord we're talking about. The day when they actually add something usefull will be the end of the world.

  • SenPie

    Complaining about a free service, very constructive, you didnt even mention a specific issues, maybe its the user? Dont worry ive said harsh things to Discord before but cmon this was too much.

