Active Now Tab, Toggle ON/OFF Option-


44 條評論

  • Frolo

    please for the love of god. it should not take up nearly the entire friendlist

  • Holodoc

    This is an unnecessary part of my Discord usage. As others have said, it in fact interferes with features that are needed. I want the choice to make the Active Now area to disappear. ty

  • Ducky

    There should be a setting that allows us to make adjust how much of our discord window it takes. and DEFIANTLY a toggle option, because it is a huge waste of space for those of us who use direct messaging.

  • JeremyDean

    I would definitely love a way to turn this off, super annoying. 

  • Knouvael'Qeskre (Feathertooth)

    Direct messaging was what I did most in Discord. This bar, with the addition to the Nitro button, makes the functionality worse. DMs is one of the reasons why I like Discord as much as I do.

  • Mr. Pickles

    If you are going to add or impalement a new feature that shows what people are doing and have it take up a bunch of space NEVER ADD IT WITH NO WAY OF TURNING IT OFF! It takes up almost a third of my screen and is extremely annoying. If I want to know if someone is doing something I will ask them... I don't need peoples activity being forced in my face... please add a way to disable it.

  • ⚡ Shinni ⚡

    1. I could already see what my friends were playing before Discord took away 1/3 of my screen.

    2. Now my 'Online' tab also displays offline friends.


    Who on this green Earth thought this was a good idea?

  • Rikka

    It clutters up SO much and overall looks awful. Please make it optional in settings. Discord hardly listens to feedback and it's annoying.

  • cooky560

    I agree, this section doesn't help anyone, right now there are 4 streamers and 16 people on my friends list playing games and it says "Nobody is playing anything".

    Even if this wasn't true, my sole purpose of discord usage is to chat with my wow guild during raiding, I don't want this big fugly panel using 1/3rd of the friend's list screen.


    While we're on this topic, why the hell are "offline" friends shown on the "online" tab now?

  • Blackbird26

    Just make it collapsible the same way the members list is on group DMs.and Servers.

  • Katie LVL35 SJW

    My discord friends never play video games! I don't need to know who has renamed Google Chrome to eternal suffering.exe!

  • spaceconfession

    This is a horribly implemented design feature that hurts more than it helps. We already had the option to see others' activity upon signing in, then again with individual users' status messages. There is no need for an activity tab that is everpresent, let alone one that takes up an entire third of your friends" tab. I'm unsure if this was properly beta tested and approved, but it needs to be either reworked with an opt-in/out option and resize/collapse/hide ability, or completely rolled back. 

  • Carlo

    Like the others I would prefer to be able to collapse the "active now" part of the friends window. and I also would like the friend-list to go back to only showing people online, instead of people online at the top. its very difficult with a quick glance now to see who is actually online.

  • Gecko

    I won't have this panel, and won't be displayed into, it allow people which add me for professional reason to stalk me efficiently instead of being discret like any other contacts.

    This feature SUCKS!

  • Katie LVL35 SJW

    I'm cool with showing who is offline, but doesnt that make the all friends tab entirely redundant?

  • cooky560

    Given discord now includes options to "help tailor discord" with data collection, I think there is a greater, worse purpose behind this feature, namely enhanced telemetry, I am sorely disappointed Discord and if this feature isn't rolled back, well our guild still has a good old team speak server we can go back to.

  • Bossforleader

    At least make the feed not take up 1/3rd of the width of the discord window

  • Chr0n4s

    yeah since this happened my online friends list shows also my offline friends...

  • Argee Lince

    I am not interested, in what games my friends play. I absolutely don't care about that.

    Give me the opportunity to remain in the dark! And [censored] off this thing from my screen!

  • Wraith

    This change needs to be reverted along with the showing offline friends in the online tab.  Come on guys, stop "fixing" what isn't broken.

  • gok

    Signing in just to say this new Discord feature is absolute garbage. Very poorly devised. What were they thinking? Taking up 1/3 of my screen with a section like that... so dumb.


    Please make this annoying "Active Now" section removeable.

    Please make the list of "Online" friends not show the offline friends, and not show it at all.

  • Autumnmane

    Personally I find the Active Now tab really invasive as well as taking up far too much space.

    I don't want to creep on what every single person in my mutual servers is doing, especially when they have no way to opt out of displaying it and I have no way to toggle the tab off.

    Like many people have said, we already have a perfectly good way to display what games/apps we're playing, and it's one we get to actually opt in or out of. I don't see why this tab is necessary at all, let people have some privacy, Discord isn't Facebook, geeze. 

  • spaceconfession

    Oh that is. Extremely good to know, I'd missed that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention so I can promptly turn all that off. Teamspeak and Slack were always nightmares for me but I'm sure I could get my static to switch over if we need to. 

  • Kfoxy

    Discords ui designer is afraid of losing their job or is becoming overambitious. Keep complaining until they revert!

  • knux

    Get off my god damn screen, this is the most unnecessary thing added ever. Logged in here just to voice my opinion.

  • Rali ♡

    So allow me to say something. First and it's been 3-4 years you implemented the most horrendous and worthless block feature of all time, and you did not listen to feedback whatsoever from your own community in regards of it.


    Secondly the things you get for Nitro "Classic" on their own are not worth paying it, as it is as you get a limitation of 50mb/file and can't even change you own name/pfp as much as you want. Who thought it's a good idea to get greedy and make an even more useless Nitro AGAIN with limitations for double the price?. Not even Skype had MB and pfp/name limitations but OKAY.


    And thirdly, if it wasnt bad enough now you add the creepiest feature ever by allowing people to LITERALLY stalk where their friends are by seeing them in vc's EVEN if they're appearing offline. This is honestly, disgusting.


    I am not sure what alternatives to discord there is, but I think this is the time to check them. I know losing 1 person is not a big deal, however I encourage you to stop roleplaying as much in e-mails and start listening to the feedback your community gives you, because if not it will blow up like poor Sonic did. 


    Thanks for your time! Bless ya xx

  • Pure Paradox

    I wouldn't either understand such an implementation. The previous friends tab already displayed activity as their status message. Having two things stating that is extremely redundant. Custom statuses are the only defence I could see for this, but even they aren't common enough to register something of this caliber.

  • AxelDominatoR

    Adding myself to the list of people complaining. You should be able to hide the "Active Now" completely (for people like me who are not interested in the slightest in a feature that takes 1/3rd of the screen) and the online friends tab should only show online friends. I hope it was a bug/mistake, otherwise: what where you thinking?!?

  • Tiger

    Come on, Discord devs. You're better than this. Both the Active Now tab and the Nitro button are really obnoxious. I've gone back and forth on whether or not to purchase Nitro for a while, my only hesitance being the price... Until this. I'm not sure you could have placed it anywhere less user-friendly. Somehow though, the Active Now tab manages to be even worse!

    Here's an idea: if you want to "use and process information about how (we) navigate and use Discord, including new feature experiments (you) test." How about you actually provide the relevant options to discern whether or not users even want to use these features to begin with? As without being able to toggle the Active Now tab on/off, the data you gather from this experiment will be skewed and misrepresentative of the user consensus.

    Sadly, I have to agree with the dozens of other posts regarding this terrible implementation. Forcing poorly conceived, badly designed features on your userbase reeks of the lazy, underhanded, out-of-touch practices other social media platforms have become so infamous for, losing the respect and trust of their formerly satisfied patrons.

    Please correct this, for your own sakes!


  • Chimera

    Can we please lose the "Active Now" feature?  I am in a private server and don't want someone to just "go to the server" to see what's going on in there.  Some of those messages in that server have to do with my work, not exactly something I need just any random "friend" to be able to view!  Why would you make invasion of my privacy a thing in discord?  Wasn't Skype bad enough? You had to top it?

