hello new update... (Stable 53820 (dbcdb5d) Host 0.0.305 Windows 10 64-Bit (10.0.18363)) i dont like you...


3 條評論

  • Yeah, really bad update

  • Raven Kerman

    Even if there are beta-testers, I am surprised they let this through.

  • Fishsticxz

    I agree, the new update just looks overall uncomfy to my eye. Different peoples messages are too close to each other and a single persons messages are too far away, and I too want the lines between people back. Also I find the darkening on hover VERY distracting and the emoji react bar too since it just pops up and also takes up space from messages. The new "new message" line just looks plain bad and weird as well. PLEASE discord I'm begging u to put it all back to how it was this is the worst update

