Showing Spotify and game activity at the same time
"If you are playing a game that Discord detects, the game will take precedence and Spotify won't show as your status! "
Why the precedence?? I am playing games while listening to music all the time, why cant I share what I listen to while playing games? Please, pretty please, can we choose to show both game activity and Spotifiy activity at the same time?
Agree! I want to show off what i'm listening to and playing at the same time :)
22 -
Agree 100%
15 -
i want that feature too!
14 -
Indeed yes
this must be upvoted more11 -
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9 -
I would love this feature
+19 -
This would be awesome.
7 -
+1 yes yes pls
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5 -
Do it, Discord! Let this be a thing!
7 -
Dear Discord team, please, implement this feature.
5 -
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Love the idea
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Been wondering why this wasn't a thing since the day we can connect Discord with Spotify, +1!
2 -
Still not fixed. Please
1 -
great idea ^^
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I've wanted this feature for a few years, ever since I created a Discord account. Please add this feature, that'd be amazing!
1 -
I don't want it, I NEED IT
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+1 please discord!!! It would literally be awesome! :)
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+1 even if it's a third party prog
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+1 Exactly, do it Discord!
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+1 please do this!!!!
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+1 yes pls
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yeahh, please
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43 條評論