Can't see other peoples streams


38 條評論

  • ilpoppp

    My bf just helped me with this. So go to voice and video then scroll down a little. You should see Video Codec. try turning that off and then try watching the stream. If it doesnt work when it off then turn it back on. Reminder rejoin the call and then watch the stream. It worked for me on the application, but im not sure if it works on the browser. 

  • ライス

    my friend just cant see my stream and i dont know why

  • Para

    It worked great for months.
    Now it says "You've been disconnected... Sit tight, we're patching you back in!"
    Every stream any of my friends put up.

    Too busy due to covid to repair faults - but not too busy to kill an already working function.


  • Sureboid

    Same problem. Just get a spinning loading screen. I can hear and do video chat but streaming wont work.

  • HammyWhammy

    Turn off hardware acceleration

  • plsplsplslol

    I have the same problem but it only happens on browser discord

  • percygranger

    I'm also having this issue on both browser and application. I can't see the "Live" notification next to a person's name, and have no pop-up of "join stream" that other people mention. It's very frustrating.

  • Gustave

    It happens to me on a few servers, it works fine on the mobile app but not on the desktop app

  • SYOTOSGregor

    I just got this error, im not sure how to fix it

  • ↟Sannocholik↟

    Im having from around two days this problem that I can't see somone streams,nothing shows up nothing pops up.Of course on mobile devices.Hoewer it's not the only issue,another one is with the disconecting from voice chanell always around sitting 15min or some secconds,you should really work on that too.It always occures on most any device.No it's not about the internet anymore,the app itself has a lot of unfixed problems.

  • B.Lov3d

    For the desktop app turning off the Video Codec setting under 'Voice and Video' tab in Discord settings worked for me. Thank you ilpoppp

  • Robin

    I'm having the same problem here. I can get it on my cellphone, but not on my desktop, No live button or anything. 

    when I get the screen on it is just blank. not sure if the duel screen might have Anything to do with it.


  • gmoney_rigger

    So is this ever going to be fixed? I have this every time, the same person can send images and videos in chat just fine, but their stream will never get out of the "You've been disconnected... sit tight we're patching you back in"


    Same here and it happened to BOTH of my Windows 10 devices while I am on browser. The app seems to work fine.

  • The SunSlime 🖱

    I'm having this issue on mobile however, on my windows laptop there's absolutely no problem with me watching streams. This is particularly frustrating because this problem has only started happening for roughly three days ago. I've tried everything from updating it to uninstall and reinstall to just refreshing the app. I use discord beta but I'm unsure if that's currently what's causing the problem.

  • simp trash

    Also suffering from the same problem suddenly, it was working a couple hours ago however all of a sudden I show can’t see my friends stream on my tablet but can on my phone. Also suffering from sudden disconnections from call for a long while now and it doesn’t have anything to do with my WiFi.

  • Skyweb

    same problem here cant fine any fix and discord is just not helping or any things )=

  • fake ! Solitary *w*

    me too


  • suw

    Having this issue as well. Friend cannot see that I'm live and I cannot see that they are live. I've been able to see that others are live, but this friend cannot see those same people as live either. Can't tell if it's a weird region-based issue. We were able to stream to each other for many months up until today.

    please respond

  • percygranger

    I found a solution that worked for me! I downloaded the beta version of the app on my laptop. The PTB version for windows.

  • Voltron

    Someone in my discord channel was having this same problem and updating to the beta version worked for them as well.

  • KittyLove

    Same problem here.. Its weird though that I cant see the streams of a certain person. I mean, its not about my internet connection or his because first of all, other streams I can see and second is the fact that others can see his streams. Yes, im on my phone, but I was able to watch his streams 2 days ago.

  • Pissman

    I've got the same problem except I can't even go live, I'm guessing there's no fix as of now?

  • Mr. Waterscout

    This might be a tad late, but making the call a popout window helped me, and I was able to view the stream when I closed the popout window.

  • Emi FEESH Turkey

    I have the same thing happening, only it worked for others to see my stream, then when i hit end stream and about 20 minutes later in the same call, i streamed again and now the other people cant see my stream.

  • A_sleepz

    Does does anyone know why it works on my phone fine but on my iPad it doesn’t work does anyone know we’re to fix this issue 

  • Badger

    Had this issue with the infinite loading of streams on PC. I completely closed down Discord and ran it as administrator and then went back into Discord, opened up the stream and it came good with no issues!

  • mart1n

    I have the same problem... I can't see mine friends streams on the app (PC). (Copy the link and paste it in ur browser.)

  • Kaladin

    Any update from discord admin administrators? I've got this problem. Hardware acceleration did nothing. The issue's intermittent. It's for Video only I can see hear their streams

  • Ichio

    I too am having this issue i can watch some peoples streams but most are not working

