More Screen Sharing


16 條評論

  • bgyenge

    Dear, Discord Developer Team!

    I'm a Hungarian teacher on Szent István University HUNGARY, and we have started on-line teaching right now on this Monday. I and my colleagues want to ask, is it possible to enlarge the simultaneous video sharing from 50 to 100 to improve the distant learning abilities of your platform. Considering to virus crisis and quarantine.

    We got a very good experience with your platform, and the test learning was successful. We would like to continue the teaching with discord, but sometimes we have at once more students than 50. approximately 100 should be enough. I think

  • horvatha

    I agree it would be a tremendous help for us, thank you!

  • Mariann


    Please increase the number, who can have access in the same time. we are more then 50 students in a same group, and not everyone could take a part on this webinar lesson.

    Many thanks!

  • Ragó Rita

    Yes, that would be a great help.

  • Papp Norbert

    Pls increase share platform from 50 to 100

  • Misi

    I would like this to be allowed to progress.

    Thank you!

  • Molnár Csilla

    I agree, I would like this to be allowed! T

    Thank you!

  • gamehead11

    Sounds like a great plan. I should buy the best ultrawide gaming monitor for this purpose.

  • Juhász Anett

    would be a great help, please

  • Guss

    I agree! We have a e-learning business that need go up limit.
    We would gladly pay for an ilimited version! 

    Keep the great work!

  • chotaneem

    That's an yes from all of us. Thank you so much for putting it out here.






    Regards, Cyberflix Apk

  • KarimI

    that's a good Idee! but why just 100? it should be more then 500 Users maybe 3000 Users to encrease the usibility of the tool.



  • Abderrahman EL Moudaffar

    I agree! We have a e-learning business that need go up limit.
    We would gladly for an ilimited version!    >100. Thanks

  • Emily Ella

    Awesome! Its a great idea and its also a great platform you provide which help students who want to continues their studies.This platform also prevent students from lose in studies. 


  • giantlindsay

    I really hope the Discord team sees this request and thinks about providing an increased limit. I fully understand the limit is there as a way of reducing load on the server infrastructure, however I suspect some people or institutions would even be willing to pay for the privilege of having more than 50 or a 100 members in a channel when screen share is on. I have a class of nearly 300 and sadly can't deliver my lectures through Discord whereas the rest of my unit uses it. I have used Discord to great success in lectures for a group of 40, and so this would really be beneficial to us.

    Dr Lindsay Wells
    Lecturer ICT
    University of Tasmania, Australia

  • whatupjack11

    I actually thought that things will get better sooner but it is 2 years already and we are still with masks. I basically lost my 2 years of college. Thankfully Gaming is going great and I can rely on gaming for my livelihood. A gaming laptop saved me. My college is using Zoom for online classes. We have limited students though.

