Discord UI sucks now.


11 條評論

  • Debster

    i agree pls revert update


  • Maisy

    It would probably be more constructive and helpful to specify what you dislike about it/like about the old version. Just saying "UI bad pls revert" doesn't tell them why you don't like it.

  • Goki

    the goddamn CUBES DUDE WHY CUBES LIKE COME ON, plus i liked the old LEAVE CALL BIG OLD RED RECTANGLE button instead of this *bad word*

  • Tipper

    Please revert back to the old UI. The rectangle cubes are very upsetting and displeasing to the eyes. Also, having to hover over the call itself to see if anyone is muted is horrendous. 

    Just why discord. It was just fine how it was.

  • Meepone23

    Yes the rectangles are what I hate most about this new update

  • kingepic84

    i second this

  • rulan

    They probably changed it to this way because they are introducing video chat and streaming, in my own experience, the old ui design was very laggy when someone went in and out video chat and screenshare mode, with the new ui there is no ui loading or abrupt change from huge-square to small circles.
    Also this thread should go on the accessibility section.

  • GlitteringCoyote

    The rectangle cubes are very upsetting and displeasing to the eyes. Also, having to hover over the call itself to see if anyone is muted is horrendous.  PrepaidCardStatus

  • meggi

    Yes i also thinking the same The rectangle cubes are very upsetting and displeasing to the eyes. Also, having to hover over the call itself to see if anyone is muted is horrendous. Prepaidcardstatus

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