Possibility to add a timezone status
I suggest being able to put, basically, a clock in your status, that shows your timezone. Among with this, the ability to set an autodnd night mode. (e.g. you can set it to 10PM - 8AM)
Also, perhaps have the possibilty to color the quadrants basically (10PM - 8AM red/dnd, 8AM-10AM yellow (having a brunch or something but still able to respond), 10AM-10PM green (free to play&talk) - this is not a "sane" example but it's just for reference)
I'm tired of people messaging me at 2AM because in the US it's 8PM or something (I'm an european with quite a lot of american friends)
It also helps *me* to see what's the time for my friends, so I don't wake them up.
that's mostly possible with customs statuses, but your idea is already great! have an upvote!
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Thanks for the nice comment.
Was it how you normally behave or are you giving me prefferential treatment since we're both minecrafters by pic? =]
Jk anyway
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