Nother discord birthday bot
Any user or bot that messages you claiming to give you free stuff from Discord is fake.
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This bot is a scam and most likely discord already banned the bot to prevent it from sending more messages.
You should next time check mutual servers with the bot and warn the server owner for having this DM-all bot on their server, as all it does is it chain spreads into servers, usually ending up destroying them.
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Yesterday, Booster event DM me and I thought it is legit so I've done everything what was written and then, this morning it was spam bot. I'm scared what should I do. I deleted the spam bot and everything. Please help!
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Takových botů jsem už našel spoustu, jde o spam bota který pošle zprávu všem členům na serveru a buď jsou to dm reklamy, nebo nitro scamy. Jakmile Trust & Safety tyhle boty najde, zabanuje je a změní jejich jméno. Pokud jsi toho bota přidával na svůj server, taky ho zabanuj - mohl by ti příště zničit server nebo to stejný posílat tvým členům serveru..
Snad to pomůže..0
4 條評論