Enforce friendship restrictions and name rules on the Developer Portal
Today, me and many others were targeted in harassment via the developer portal.
At first, we were attempted to be phished. The name of the application and team respectively requested that we disable 2FA on our accounts and change our email to their own. After we refused to do so, we were called slurs such as the N-word, told to kill ourselves, and were and are being spammed with more invites to teams and applications.
I decided to join the team, and noticed I was the only one who had accepted the invite, which directly told me who was the user in question that was spamming these invites. I blocked them, and then left the team before informing the others who were also complaining about being harassed. We continued to get the invites after we blocked them.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to report these to Discord Trust and Safety, as they're not messages.
This isn't okay, and shouldn't happen in the future. My suggestion is that blocks should match on the developer portal and the main Discord site, so that if Person 1 blocks Person 2, Person 2 cannot invite them to a team.
Secondly, please restrict the names of teams to have no slurs. Discord already has the ability to detect bad words in server names, so team and application names should follow suit with specifically slurs (some games do have bad words in the title, so they should be titled appropriately.)
Screw the person who sent us those messages, and thank you for reading. I sincerely hope that something is done.
Sure, I'll play in the mud. More of a reason for this post to be upvoted :)
(EDIT: This post was a response to a deleted comment)
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No :)
(EDIT: This post was a response to a deleted comment)
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You can go get your 500 alt accounts and spam me some more, I'm fine with that. But this feedback post is staying, I can endure whatever script you've got running :)
(EDIT: This post was a response to a deleted comment)
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Yo mfs will y'all stop arguing ok thx bye cuties.
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tbh miracle you should be banned and never get on discord ever again, this whole conversation was stupid and instead of hiding with yourself cuz he wasn't able to report you to discord TaS you just came here and approved that he isn't lying and everything he said was true, mr JBMagination, please whatever happens dont delete this feedback ever, whatever happens dont do it okay bud?
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I'd say you can try to mess with my family, but you probably aren't even old enough to get a passport :)
(EDIT: This post was a response to a deleted comment)2 -
im proud of this lmfao
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LMAOOOOO u got rickrolled
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sure m8
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To be honest you cant literally do any sorta harm to anybody or to him, I suggest you to delete your useless comments on this feedback since it would just make you feel as worse as possible. not a place to humiliate yourself...
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shut up stop spamming you dumb
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wtf is that man
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would you like to get reported?
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const miracle = require('BRAIN')
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nice PP bro3 -
ima leave this kiddo spamming over and over again i dont care now
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replying to https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4406809780119/comments/4406810717975:
yeah sure!2 -
Mate, get a life @....
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update: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/profiles/1902728865465-miracle as you may notice, miracle's discord feedback account got removed. hopefully they're banned on the discord app as well
but anyone can just make a new account, and this is going to keep happening until something changes. please, Discord, fix your developer portal 🙏
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hope so
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Thank god!
23 條評論