Discord bot (türkçe)
0 0 條評論
for random ban
2 0 條評論
Quick read
0 0 條評論
Rotating Profile Pictures
0 0 條評論
story feature
0 0 條評論
Adds on YT video preview while being YT premium owner with linked YT account
2 0 條評論
Option to ignore other people's activity
0 0 條評論
0 0 條評論
Seeking Feedback on False Discord Ban and Appeal Response Time
0 0 條評論
Sharing Avatar Decoration
1 0 條評論
“Login with Passkey” option within Discord On Safari
0 0 條評論
Spelling error on danish on Awaiting friend list page
1 0 條評論
Erro de formatação app windows
0 0 條評論
Auto solved tickets and no information
0 1 條評論
Don't force the '-' in the channel name
1 1 條評論
0 0 條評論
Account hack
0 10 條評論
Issue with Discord App Automatically Exiting
0 0 條評論
Keybinds are gone after updates
0 0 條評論
Sounds not going to selected audio device
0 0 條評論
0 0 條評論
I was never answered
3 0 條評論
0 0 條評論
App for smart watches
1 1 條評論
There should be a Transparent Role Color
1 0 條評論
Spongebob avatar decoration animations should have less delay
1 0 條評論
I got suspended
1 6 條評論
Its been around 8 months and I still couldnt get my account back
2 1 條評論
File upload size change
8 1 條評論