Disrespectfully cropped images, useless new format has no option to cancel
38 1 條評論
GG Sans is migraine-inducing
38 4 條評論
I have cancelled my Discord Nitro due to inaccessibility
38 3 條評論
Pain from new colours
38 0 條評論
This isn't a matter of preference, it's a matter of inclusion
38 1 條評論
New design inaccessible
38 1 條評論
Color Change Issues
38 5 條評論
Poor Discord Design Decisions.
38 0 條評論
Option for the older colour or revert it altogether
38 1 條評論
New @Pings uses pre-established color scheme.
38 5 條評論
gg Sans makes me dizzy (to the point of nausea)
37 6 條評論
new color is very harsh and uncomfortable to look at
37 2 條評論
Just even the option to change the UI back would be nice.
37 5 條評論
New blurple makes me physically ill
37 3 條評論
Visually impaired and seriously unhappy with the upgrade
37 0 條評論
Reply Feature
37 5 條評論
Screenshare user interface unintuitive and unusable
37 1 條評論
Discord Has A Track Record (UI feedback)
36 2 條評論
New Image Display Format
36 2 條評論
gg sans font causing pain
36 0 條評論
gg sans causes eye strain
36 6 條評論
this is completely inaccessible
36 0 條評論
Discord's new color is painful and just plain ugly
36 3 條評論
Switch between the old and new designs
36 1 條評論
New Color Saturation/UI
36 2 條評論
New colour scheme is visually inaccessible
36 2 條評論
The new color hurts badly
35 3 條評論
New Update... Hurts.
35 2 條評論
New purple buttons a really bad match for darkmode
35 0 條評論
If you're not going to give back the old design, then give us the option to go back.
35 0 條評論