Xbox trouble watching screens
0 0 條評論
Knock Voice Call
0 0 條評論
Being able to ring people in a server just like a normal call
0 0 條評論
Make a default cat meow soundboard for VC
0 0 條評論
1 0 條評論
1 0 條評論
Active window/display share
0 1 條評論
Activity Card
0 0 條評論
Greater control over sharing and camera
0 0 條評論
1 0 條評論
i have problem about seeing others' stream
0 6 條評論
Discord otomatik aynalama kapama
0 0 條評論
Linux - Screensharing with sound still not working
1 0 條評論
Voice chat on PlayStation 4 [RU / US]
1 0 條評論
Playstation 5 direct streaming support.
8 3 條評論
Voice Chat stream layout still wonky
1 0 條評論
Random Disconnects
0 0 條評論
Voice channel Status is now too public
2 0 條評論
Noise suppression not suppressing key presses
1 1 條評論
0 0 條評論
VC status emojis- Why is this not able to be disabled?
3 2 條評論
Auto Transcribe Voice Messages
0 0 條評論
Better Keybind for screen sharing
2 1 條評論
0 0 條評論
Panel de sonidos para aplicación ipads
0 0 條評論
Accept Incoming Calls With Elgato Stream Deck
1 1 條評論
0 0 條評論
Need to delete special event
0 0 條評論
Не слышно в голосовом чате
0 0 條評論
1 0 條評論