No Screen Share Permission
1 0 條評論
proximity voice chat
0 0 條評論
Stream from different device support
0 0 條評論
Voice Note Playback
1 0 條評論
0 0 條評論
Temporarily Adjust Volume for Specific Users
1 0 條評論
Audio Quality Disabling Voice Chat
0 0 條評論
Canales de voz de Android Auto
1 0 條評論
MIC does not work in doscord.
0 2 條評論
Pop out Windows In servers
1 0 條評論
Add ability to switch the audio subsystem in settings to Mac desktop app
0 0 條評論
Feature request - Ability to view multiple streams on different windows
2 1 條評論
VC status/activity - Please bring them back!
1 2 條評論
0 0 條評論
Feature Suggestion - Screen Share Drawing
2 0 條評論
PS5 Screen Share
1 1 條評論
[Problème] Mon micro ce coup tout seul m.
0 0 條評論
Improved Screen sharing and Activities
1 0 條評論
New stream attentuation
1 0 條評論
480p Quality
0 0 條評論
Voice notes fix
1 1 條評論
Multiple Soundboard Join Sounds
0 0 條評論
0 0 條評論
[XBOX] Multiple voice output for Streamers
0 1 條評論
Discord Voice Options
0 0 條評論
Add Attenuation Feature on iOS app
1 1 條評論
Bandwidth doesn't grow on trees
0 2 條評論
Add the ability to add Custom Join Soundeffects for Mobile users
2 1 條評論