Make the time format 24hr time clock
Would be great if the app would just pull the format from the underlying OS. I'm pretty sure every OS exposes its user-set date & time format. This whole set-your-format-per-app is nonsense. I also think the format shouldn't be bound to a country. I know enough examples in which people like to use their native language but are not using the countries official standard.
Example: UK, you can't get that one right with just a language drop-down.
The internet is communicating over borders. Using a language drop-down to decide for your date-format is pretty much stoneage for a company which wants to think they do a modern interface.
6 -
still waiting
can we fix this instead of having to use a workaround for 5 more years?
5 -
Extremely low hanging fruit for a much needed UI tweak.
Discord PLZ
6 -
welcome to discord where the tiniest of problems (that seem like would have been easier to not create in the first place) sit unfixed for years
7 -
I'm an American who prefers 24H. Why should I have to change my locale to get a basic piece of functionality? Why would ANYONE assume that's where the clock settings are? And what about, I don't know, literally everyone who lives in a mixed-clock region and prefers the clock Discord hasn't chosen to implement for their language? The staff "answer" here is a joke.
If they insist on locale, the options should be:
- default by region
- explicitly 12H
- explicitly 24H
5 -
This is messed up!!! They need to separate them!!!
Upvote this guys!! -
Is this ever going to get fixed or nah?
"Answered" my ass, Discord acts like they're owned by Microsoft.
This is not answered.
6 -
C'mon it would be sooo easy to fix. Even I could probably do it with my poor understanding and skill.
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As has been stated by many other users, the current "answer" to this thread is not an answer at all. Switching to UK mode changes the date format.
This really needs to either be its own setting, or at least respect the OS setting. I have 24 hour time on my Windows and Android devices and Discord on Windows just ignores it, unlike nearly any other Windows app.
Please reconsider!
4 -
While we wait for Discord to fix this, you can get the CompleteTimestamps plugin to fix this problem, on PC at least.
0 -
I logged in just to downvote D's comment
2 -
Please this is an extremely easy fix. Please just let us do this. What is wrong with you people?! Why aren't we allowed to change this?! It's such a trivial, minor edit. How in the h*ck is this harmful to your business at all?!
4 -
why did this suddenly change to make UK English use 12 hour clock? or is there something wrong with my client. i despise 12 hour clock, thanks
6 -
They did change the UK's time format to 12 hours and I hate it as well
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Change UK time back to 24hr clock it sucks
4 -
Revert the change or give us a toggle, 12 hour time is stupid
3 -
I mean, if the UK is now using 12 hour by default, then that means Discord's previous answer is useless. Further evidence that it should be the user's choice, separate from locale, to use 12 or 24 hour.
5 -
It was useless from the beginning, and not just because it's the easy way out of the responsibility to make the sane choice but also because the UK using 24 and the US using 12-hour format is only a coincidence, and the rest of the languages don't have another version, people can't choose to use a different Hungarian or Turkish.
5 -
I agree, and that's a good point—what I was getting at is that the support forums have a moratorium on new staff responses to the 24 hour question because "Staff has already answered it." So now we have a problem that not only did their original response not solve, but also the "solution" they point to as proof that they don't need to handle it is unworkable, but we can't get any new discussions going because there's "already a solution."
5 -
Discord for Android is also no longer following the system setting for this since it switched to React Native, though using UK English does still seem to enable 24 hour time for me, at least for now. For the record, this whole thing is kind of Google's fault for introducing this "choosing time formats based exclusively on app language" thing with Chrome, which then got inherited into most Electron apps like Discord. That being said, properly reading time formats from the system in an Electron app is possible (Microsoft Teams does it IIRC), so Discord could have implemented this at any point. Changing the app language isn't a solution, it's a workaround with drawbacks that possibly doesn't even work anymore.
3 -
This question was (wrongly) marked "answered" years ago. I suspect devs never read it, because answered questions are considered non-issues. The ~1500 upvotes and ~80 comments go unseen. :(
If everyone who ever upvoted this and/or commented were to go to the multiple less-supported alternate versions of the same question that are NOT marked "answered", and support them as well, it might improve the visibility of the problem.
I'm linking all that I could find below, in order of most current support to least, in case you don't have time/energy to visit every one of them and just want to support the big ones. Alternatively, pick out the ones that are most meaningful to you, e.g. the UK, Norwegian, or Canadian requests, or the ones detailing possible implementations.
Also, please don't treat this as some kind of brigade or spam against the devs. We're showing mutual support for these similar requests. If you comment, be thoughtful, topical within the thread, and respectful, and please don't just copy/paste the same comment to all of them. Don't get yourself in hot water with the support moderators here!
PS: It also might be helpful to support my own related issue where I try to bring this "wrongly answered question with tons of support is ignored" problem to their attention:
6 -
@D <3
1 -
changing locale to change time format is totally not a solution. you either should follow system time format settings configurable in windows settings or provide your own toggle for time format.
5 -
The ability to toggle a 23-hour clock would be very great
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