Custom Themes
@MaHl111 I believe a staff told me that I don't know if I really buy that anymore though after doing some research
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They add folders but not more themes. I feel like custom themes would be a much better option, especially considering I use mobile much more than desktop
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It's good for highlight important informations in #read-me channels or announcements.
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Hm Nice. 0 -
Yeah please! 0 -
It could be better when you could upload a theme for yourself that others can't see, but i enjoy the idea
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I'd suggest also a button in the user settings that is called "upload file" and then the file you uploaded will show up as background.
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Is there any way this could become a thing in the future because that would be cool
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I love it! 0 -
can u not ban ppl on discord pls (im using my sis discord acc) my friend got it but he did not know it will get him banned pls don't ban him can u at least allow him to use betterdiscord he don't know how to uninstall it because every time he uninstall the file and reinstalls pls don't ban him :C (srsly tho don't ban him he the only good friend i got)
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Custom themes are a great idea. Background images are a terrible idea. Allow experienced developers to create custom themes and let the public choose from those. It's just CSS after all. I doubt user generated content will ever makes its way into core Discord though.
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Interesting idea, would be good for partner / official servers to prevent abuse.
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BetterDiscord is against Discord TOS, Wookie Cookie.
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Good to know, thanks. @Two
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@Two please refrain on repeating the same discussion again. BetterDiscord is against the TOS, yes!
But we are talking about CSS Modifications on the Discord UI not in the modification on the user behavior regarding the API.
Users should be free to modify their clients to their will unless they are abusing the API or methods which puts other users on a disadvantage in API/?? Level
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@Cascade I’m sorry what? Using better discord is against the terms of service and two was just letting them know. Wether you think users should be able to or not doesn’t matter, as its a violation of a user agreement.
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If you would read the history of this conversation you would understand my post.
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This would remove a lot of the problems Bandaged BD can cause, so I give this idea a big fat +.
Themes would only benefit Discord. The company itself doesn't need to make themes - let the community do that.2 -
AMOLED dark mode would be sweet!
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yeah like why not have a theme area that people can contribute to. Kind of like how Wallpaper engine has a wallpaper community. It would be really cool to be able to create themes and stuff.
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Yes, some of us liked the hybrid theme, not too dark, not too bright. The options now is take either end of of the table instead of the classic middle ground.
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Yes please. Add it back...
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Adding a useful feature like that would require them to divert some of their time from making things that are easily monetized... Maybe they'll make it Nitro only.
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Also, please don't redirect this, you guys really should start actually considering this feature
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I agree. The new Light theme is just ugly looking. Everything looks faded and out of place.
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I love the idea of color customization. Pink discord ftw
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Yeah! We should be able to chance the color based on hex codes as another option! Maybe even make it nitro, idc just more colors
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Color is a spectrum. Get with current year, Discord.
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Seconded. Would be nice. Bonus if we can have it differ between servers.
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You can edit some of the backgrounds/text using Ctrl +Shift+ I and changing the HEX values in the "elements" section - since both the new light theme and the old dark theme cause problems for my eyes with two different reasons (Dark being just well dark and the new light theme having next to no contrast like the old light theme).
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