Do you guys think Discord T&S actually has humans
Discord T&S has basically used bots throughout their entire existance, I have never received a human reply from them, always just bots, the fact that they all have automated messages makes me believe T&S doesn't have actual workers
Backed up by the fact that you can't appeal for someone for some reason even as a legal guardian seems amusing to me.
Maybe Discord after all doesn't have actual workers or am I missing their work schedule
I've sent them 3 emails through the span of 5 days, only one got a response saying they wouldn't reinstate my account, which was an automated message, afterwards I believe they blocked my email
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Surprisingly they do have real humans (some employees some outsourced) they can be unhelpful at times, but you can reopen tickets by replying to the email, 90% of the time they will follow a script but you kinda have to keep pestering them to get a good response, I don’t think they can legally block you unless you are abusing the ticket system. Alot of the time you won’t get your account reinstated due to their policies but you may have luck if you reopen the ticket.
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Their policies may be dumb then, considering they banned the server and it's members after banning the person who violated TOS, literally, 2 hours after it was dealt with the server went down and members along with it.
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And by abusing what do you mean? Cause my tickets say they're solved yet I have no reply from them?
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it depends what was inside that server it usually has to be pretty malicious/illegal for discord to wipe all members plus it often warns you the first time, and if the tickets say solved you can just reopen the tickets
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Apparently someone had posted a dead body which then they were immediately banned, yet Discord still banned the server after they were banned and taken care of from the server, and as for the tickets reopening, I never got responses back from them
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cad Just to clarify something from your message:
I've sent them 3 emails through the span of 5 days
This is your issue. Sending more emails doesn't help, it hurts. If you send multiple emails or flood replies, your ticket is automatically pushed to the very very bottom of the queue. This is similar to many platforms.
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Well yeah, I've given them time to reply, my casss say solved yet I don't see how it is solved as to how i didn't get a reply on the email
Although, thanks for the advice
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Discord Since T&S has mostly relied on automatic responses for the entirety of its existence and I have never received a human response from them, I have come to the conclusion that T&S does not actually employ any people.
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That's what I was thinking, however the people above have said to just give it some time, which I'm skeptical that it will give the same response as other times, which was none
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They do have humans.
From what you said they told you they won't unban you, meaning your appeal was rejected, so it isn't surprising that they're ignoring new messages that you send. Imagine if they had to respond to every single banned person multiple times, it's probably just not worth the effort from their perspective.0 -
The problem here is, they said they won't unban a person that did nothing to be banned by simply being in a server that took care of the rule breaker like a few seconds after it was posted.
They say this with an automated response, meaning no further investigations were done, due to it literally being 3 seconds after I sent the appeal request
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Yeah their appeals system has serious problems, but they do have humans and they're probably just following some guidelines like "if ban reason is this then reject appeal unless the server deletion was our misjudgement"
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I see, so basically no hope in recovering my account even though I'm innocent
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Sadly :/ I've seen a lot of similar cases to yours and I almost never heard of those people getting unbanned
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