Hacked Discord accout
My account was hacked using a technique called "Social Engineering." This type of attack is more common than one might think. A close friend of mine was also hacked and asked me to play a game with her, which I accepted because she was my friend.
It turned out that the game in question was actually a virus designed to take control of any account on my PC, including my Discord account. I had to reinstall Windows and clean my RAM, which led to a long and stressful evening, as well as several days of pressure to recover my account. The fact is, I no longer trusted my PC.
After some time, I decided to reconnect it to the Internet to see what would happen. Nothing happened, so I assume that my accounts are secure, except for my Discord account.
As I write this message, I am still on my secondary account waiting for Discord to take action. The hacker is still active and continues to compromise people using my account and my name. A complaint has been filed with the National Police, and it will be processed in the coming days. If you are also a victim, I suggest you join my complaint.
Discord support is currently very slow, and the hacker continues to operate. So, I hope this message reaches many people, and I encourage you to be vigilant.
If you work for Discord support, I understand that urgent tickets may not always be as urgent as they seem. I can imagine your current workload, and I hope we can find a solution for my account quickly.
Take care, and courage to the Discord support team, who must be receiving even more tickets because of this individual.
Je rédige ce message en français et en anglais pour que tout le monde puissent le lire.
Mon compte a été piraté via une technique d'attaque appelée "Social Engineering". Ce type d'attaque est plus courant qu'on ne le pense. Une amie proche a également été piratée et m'a demandé de jouer à un jeu avec elle, ce que j'ai accepté car c'était mon amie.
Il s'est avéré que le jeu en question était en réalité un virus dont le but était de prendre le contrôle de n'importe quel compte présent sur mon PC, notamment mon compte Discord. J'ai dû réinstaller Windows et effectuer un nettoyage de la RAM, ce qui a entraîné une longue soirée de stress, ainsi que plusieurs jours de pression pour récupérer mon compte. Le fait est que je n'avais plus confiance en mon PC.
Après un certain temps, j'ai décidé de le reconnecter à Internet pour voir ce qui se passerait. Rien ne s'est produit, donc je suppose que mes comptes sont en sécurité, à l'exception de mon compte Discord.
Au moment de la rédaction de ce message, je suis toujours sur mon double compte en attendant que Discord prenne des mesures. Le pirate opère toujours et continue de pirater des gens en utilisant mon compte et mon nom. Une plainte a été déposée à la Police Nationale et elle sera traitée dans les jours à venir. Si vous êtes également victime, je vous suggère de vous joindre à ma plainte.
Le support de Discord est actuellement très lent, et le pirate continue d'agir. J'espère donc que ce message parviendra à de nombreuses personnes et je vous encourage à être vigilants.
Si vous travaillez pour le support de Discord, je suis aussi au support informatique et je sait que les gens qui considère le ticket comme urgent ne le sont pas forcément. Je peux imaginer votre charge de travail actuel et en espérant que ont pourra trouver une solution pour mon compte rapidement.
Faite attention à vous et courage au Support Discord qui doivent recevoir encore plus de ticket à cause de cette personnes.
I'm having the same issue.
I've gone 23 days with no response from email, Twitter/X, or the ticket. Just complete radio silence.
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I've been victim of this too. Same process, asked me to test a game, I said yes and downloaded the game from Epic Games (which I trusted). The game was playable, but at the same time installed a virus on my PC.
They changed the associated email of my account. Of course, I was supposed to receive a confirmation by mail, but they got deleted instantly, I couldn't do a thing.
Then I contacted the support, except from the bot telling me how to change a password, nothing. They just close the ticket and I still can't access my account while the hackers purchased things with my credit card and have a free nitro for 1 year on my behalf.
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I'm in the same boat here, it's the first time my 8+ years old account got hacked and it was all over in an instant, my email session token was compromised as well so I couldn't do anything about it and it even disabled my 2FA instantly, I did have the time to see the email of my hacker which was a yandex.com address (yandex is the russian google) but most importantly I've since read that the thing they use (redline stealer) is potentially capable of stealing everything valuable on a PC including all the logins and passwords and credit cards information saved on the browser and a lot of crypto related stuff as well, I'm so mad at myself and I hope discord solves our problem soon, GL to everyone.
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I've been a victim of RAT trojan hacked same as you, it was a business attack that made me lose my job, and I lost my previous discord nitro account with a lot of business partner, because hacker hacked my PC and spammed CP on my server using my PC, get me disabled, if anyone of you guys wanna talk, feel free to added me here. And I would love you guys to please talk with me there as well.
My discord username
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I also fall victim of this too 6 days ago. The hacker uses one of my friend's account and asked me to test their game, that's how it's happened. 8 years of being discord member, I made a lot of friends and suddenly this happened. I feels so sad.
The hacker change the email, password, phone number and even enable the 2FA, so i can't reset the password.
He threatened me that if i don't pay him he won't give back the account. And he been using my account to scam my friends who are on my friend list.
I did sent a ticket already and waiting an update from discord team. The reply so far is that they have escalated my ticket further. I hope that discord support team can help us and to those who through the same incident. Good luck everyone.
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I got trick to download a file as well, told me it was a model file, and after that so many CP were spammed using my account and get disabled immediately:( hope Discord acknowledge this as well.
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Damn so much ppl without any help, i lost a lot of friends and a lot of server i used to study. Well i think it's now because of Discord i'll not keep my nitro and my boost, i'll stop paying for something who can't help me when i'm in trouble. So just don't take your Nitro back with your new account, it's useless when you know Discord don't care about you unless you're famous :/
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Can I talk to you via discord? I would like to discuss about our issues, since I lost a lot of friend, and also job..
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Same, account got hacked. Hacker has control of my server. I can't get discord to recover my account, transfer server ownership, or even delete my old account so I can start fresh.
I'm honestly not sure if they just don't have any customer support at all now or if they just don't care unless you're spending a ton of money on nitro and other services.
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Shion Your case is identical to mine. Haven't received any updates too.. really sad to hear. It's so sad that we gotta wait this long.
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Have any of you gotten an update? I'm approaching two months.
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Nope not yet, still waiting. It's 1 month for me, ticket status still open.
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This can't be real right?. I just hit 1 month on my ticket too, there's no way that they are just gonna let some of the most SERIOUS tickets just take a backseat right?. All your Info and EVERYTHING you have ever typed Into discord they have access to and can easily just print out ( download from the settings ) and they got everything on you.
How can It take MONTHS to get a single reply on these Issues?. Don't they realize that by being this slow to respond they are just creating MORE tickets for themselves to go through?. Every hour that passes the hacker can use to steal even more profiles which ALSO then have to make a damn ticket, I just can't understand I really can't.
Discord has one of the most flawed supports that has ever existed.2 -
Yeah, it is really frustrating that it should not take long, they have the access. We need their help because they are the only support. And then we're stuck on the wait.
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What options are available for regaining control of a hacked Discord account and server when the traditional recovery methods, such as contacting Discord support or transferring server ownership monopoly go, seem ineffective or unresponsive?
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There's no legitimate way to do that, Selina. Some online communities will sell “solutions” but they're 100% against TOS and you have no way of knowing if the person will just then have your hacked account themselves and try to ransom it against you.
The only way to get your account back is for whoever hacked it to GIVE it back or for Discord support to provide help to you. Both are pretty farfetched… I'm over two months waiting for a single reply to my ticket.
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Sa fait 3 jours sans réponse, il a envoyez plein de ses arnaque avec mon compte. Je pense qu'il va après le supprimer sans AUCUNE réponse de discord.
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Je suis désolé que mon français soit très mauvais. Mais 3 jours, ce n'est qu'un début. C'était 3 mois pour ma solution! Bonne chance...
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