I’ve been scammed and hacked, and now still waiting for the response from discord



  • akiw

    Hey, same here, though I was scammed and hacked yesterday, but I filed a ticket almost immediately when I felt fishy and I couldn't log back into my acc, got a bot message with advice that is nothing related, closed for some reason after an hour. Took me like seven hours to realize that its closed and had to send an follow up email to reopen it, receiving a reply from Moon (Idk if its bot or not but there wasn't discord bot next to her name) telling me the same escalated thing you got, but for now what I've been seeing throughout the forum is they are severely understaffed or just not doing their job, some ppl can get it back within half an hour while some waited months and one even waited five months with only crickets and no reply, hard to say if we can get our acc back atm. The panic is rising as my friend already sent me a screenshot of my acc using the same word on her, and after knowing that people are actually paying hundreds of bucks to buy old discord account, felt like the whole world had changed, heck I thought csgo skins are already too overpriced! But yea, all we can do is wait, and do not file more tickets as it would just automatically close leaving your last one being the only one opened, what's worse is that when you spam too many tickets it could be recognized as spam ticket and put your original ticket into spam section, wish you the best of luck mate. At this point I'm already desperate running out of ways to contact my friends, I don't have their username nor other platform, over five years of memory and my hideout to escape from pressure now gone with a bang by some degenerate living in a basement looking for btc…

  • puff!


    from what i heard, and this is all alleged so i may be wrong; apparently their recent 170 people lay off included the majority of the trust and safety team in account recovery, so they're backedlogged by a lot right now. plus this scam/phishing thing is going by and expanding exponentially because the same thing happened to me.  i wish you and op luck and that everyone affected gets their accounts back soon though :) persist and push through these trying times!

  • Kamilamiron17

    Discord should have some bot that can detect some suspicious bot, if they can have bots that “solved” our tickets forcefully. I mean it. 

  • Warsheepger

    i waiting over a month now, 

    never got any hint what to do to get my account back. only think is the bont saying me something and marked at as solved. 

  • Kamilamiron17

    They already closed my first ticket with no SUPPORT regarding this matter. And now I have to make a new ticket.

  • Kamilamiron17


    He said Discord replied to his ticket instantly. He also said just wait and keep pestering them if our ticket closes. 

  • akiw

    Kamilamiron17 Wait what? How many times did your friend reopen the closed ticket and pester the team when it got closed? Just a reference to see how long it takes for them to actually work on a ticket and not closing with “no more additional help” again, mine is 3 days old and got closed once already, we need some hope TwT

  • Kamilamiron17


    He just send a new ticket and explain that he got scammed and hacked. And he wrote it angrily.

  • Theultimatetd222

    I also get this problem too. 

  • puff!


    how angrily did he write it? 

  • Kamilamiron17

    He was like “Hello! I can’t believe I’m making a new ticket but here I am!”

    And then he shortly explain what happenned and why he got hacked. And for the closing he wrote “I’m disappointed because you ghosted me and automatically closed the ticket without any solution.”

    And then the discord response to him in an hour. 
    I already send another ticket so I only can wait before I followed his ninja path.

  • puff!

    i should probably do that, probably tell them that i'm also gonna be reporting this experience to the better business bureau or smth. they recently closed my month-old ticket and it's absolutely ridiculous they leave tickets on read as most of mine just get that treatment.

  • xxreitoxx

    same thing i was scamed to oand discord staffs wont help me

  • Kamilamiron17

    Okay. The bot send me a reply that my ticket have been escalated. 

  • BatHunter🦇🎧

    I fell for this exact scam. Please update us and let us know if you ever DO get your account back.
    At the time of writing this, I still haven't heard anything back regarding mine.

  • Kamilamiron17

    Oh my. They close my ticket again! I’m almost lost my patience here! It’s been two weeks. I already send another ticket with disappointment and still hoping they would see it. What a joke, discord support. 

  • Kamilamiron17

    Guys, they closed my ticket again. And I'm sending another ticket. But my friend told me that maybe my discord cannot be saved anymore T_T. Does anybody here got their account back already? 

    Seriously… Their support are a joke. They're full of bullshit. I have a big hope everytime I send a new ticket. Are they gonna ignore the problem until the scammer bored with my account? 

  • Kamilamiron17

    My previous ticket that have been closed got a new activity few hours ago. But my ticketthat still open didn’t even got escalated. I don’t understand what are they doing. I just need their support.

  • Kamilamiron17

    My ticket got solved without any help. And this time they didn’t even escalating my ticket. I’ll try to send another email in the midnight.

  • .enkaii

    I just got “Temporarily Suspended” or “Banned” or whatever for the same reason as you all as one of my friends texted me about falsely reporting me and telling me to add this Clint Smith guy it wasn't until we were talking about me giving away 500$ and I told him I didn't have that kind of money, that I was suddenly logged off of all my devices and unable to log back in. I have no idea what to do. What about my nitro payments? and such please help I don't wanna lose my account

  • Kamilamiron17

    I think it’s a bad news for me.

    My friend said it was a big mistake to send 3 tickets on the same day the first time sending tickets to discord because that would make our email labeled as a scammer. And that's what I did the first day I was hacked. Even though it seems hopeless, I'll keep trying to send them tickets.

  • Cillian Ledger

    Hey everyone, I'm in the same situation here. Has anyone find a way yet?

  • akiw

    Cillian Ledger Hihi, I've got my account back roughly 20 days ago, if you want any advice you can look through the forum or add me to ask anything you need, my discord is akiw0701.

  • Makara Furusawa

    akiw Unfortunately, I haven't got my main account back yet. I already sent you a friend request, and I know you already friended me.

  • Makara Furusawa

    On August 2, I got my main account back.

  • Vampiremistress450

    I got my main account back yesterday. Did they mess up your email address or any personal accounts attached to your email address. Plus my friend still has gotten any word back.

  • sonicjoethebat

    I'm getting the same damn message, this is getting annoying and out of hand. If it was queen1235 or something. I guess some people need to make new account from scratch since one of them got hacked. 


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