I fell for the "I accidently reported your account for fraud instead of another user because they had the same profile picture as you" scam and got my account hacked.
I'm making this post in hopes that a human from Discord Trust & Safety reads this post and gets my account back. I fell for the scam and changed my email as instructed by the scammer. I have already submitted two requests on the day that I got scammed, which was yesterday (June 9, 2024). The first requests didn't contain a lot of details, so I made another one that was more detailed, attached images, and included additional images in the conversation section of the requests page as well as proof that I'm the owner of the hacked account.
UPDATE (June 10, 2024): I finally got a response from Discord Trust & Safety saying that they escalated my second ticket and will have someone look into it. They also closed my first ticket.
UPDATE (June 13, 2024): I got a response from Discord, but I didn't get my account back. In response, I created another ticket.

UPDATE (June 15, 2024): I got this response.

UPDATE (June 17, 2024): I sent another ticket and got the same response again!
UPDATE (June 17, 2024): I finally got my account back!
same thing happen to me but apparently u cant get it back anymore but still try
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any update homie ill be online once a day i really want my acc back too huhu how many request did u send
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I sent two requests as I mentioned in the description of my post. So far, I haven't gotten a response yet from Discord support, and both of my requests are still open.
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hello capeli did the hacker use ur acc ?
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hello capeli did the hacker use ur acc to this day ?
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No. It was on idle status for a day, but other than that, the hacker didn't change the username or the profile picture.
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Mine havent open my acc for like 2 days now ever since i heard that it might take 2 months or so before u get a reply from the staff
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Capeli how’s your account now
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I haven't gotten it back yet.
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Im waiting too and dealing with the same thing. At this point, going on 2 days of waiting, I'm just glad they haven't closed my ticket. I have so much proof that I'm the real owner of my account, i just need a real person to listen to me.
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did u get it back capeli ?
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I haven't. I heard you got your account back. Congrats!
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I sent another request.
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Capeli yes i got it back i send a zip file for them to check.
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I sent another request and included a zip file with the images for them to check.
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