Etiquette for dealing with mod abuse?
I have been a member of several Discord communities over the years, and this is of course by no means exclusive to Discord, where moderators (sometimes even the admins) were rude and disrespectful, and I'm using kind words here. Responding in any way directly to their behaviour would lead to being muted, or banned. Dealing with toxic people on the internet is expected, but when it's a server that you're a part of, particularly when it's not a casual server like a game community, what is the proper etiquette when dealing with this sort of situation? There are servers that I'm part of that I need for support reasons, like a certain piece of software. It's supposed to be a professional space for community support. Simply leaving the server is sometimes difficult.
My options seem to be,
1. Ignore and block the person. Sometimes moderators don't like that you block them and force you to unblock them, or be banned (I chose to leave the server instead).
2. Ping the admin/moderator role, or a specific person, where possible.
3. DIrectly message an admin, or a different moderator.
I hate toxic people and I don't think it's right to do nothing. But there's not much I feel like I can do. Mods have a responsibility but they abuse it. DM'ing an admin or different mod may lead to me getting kicked from the server, pinging the mod role could lead the same mod simply muting me again or kicking me off the server altogether. I shouldn't have to risk that when I'm trying to do the right thing on a server I rely on for support, and it's not fair on other people to put up with it.
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