discord what are you DOING??



  • Tie-Luna

    Completely agree. I'm one of those people who got banned (more or less suspended) and there's jack for what I can do. They need to hire PEOPLE for support. It's not that hard to give people working hours, to pay minimum wage, so they can help people with real problems- ESPECIALLY WHEN YOURE A MULTI MILLION COMPANY. DISCORD.


    at this point im going to the media. this is getting ridiculous.

  • Eternalbordem

    please do go to the media! get some attention on this! its outrageous! they arnt taking tickets seriously. they take their time with serious problems such as doxxings and hackings, while banning people left and right for stuff that happened years ago. they have let go a bunch of staff just to keep the pay high, and now its affecting the userbase. going to a media outlet would be a great idea. it would give discord a kick to get them moving.

  • Tie-Luna

    Already did. Posted to Twitter and immediately got someone commenting on my post about going to an Instagram page to get it back. Didn’t trust it ofc. Haven’t heard anything else however.

  • Eternalbordem

    ah alrighty. well be safe and i hope you get your account back! keep me posted on anything lmao. ive been complaining on reddit and it looks like others have been too. people are getting fed up


  • Tie-Luna

    Yeah, I’d hope so. Keep the out cry going, if we have to- boycott. Take away their money. It’ll teach them.

  • Eternalbordem

    i recommend making a post on reddit aswell. might get some backlash, but most people are getting really tired of being neglected, so discord has to hire new people and get this back on track!

  • driftracer24_7106

    All this, plus:

    The staff's political leanings appearing to impact moderation actions,

    The fact that the first letter of every word I type here gets duplicated when I type the second letter (forcing me to delete the duplicate letter in every word I add that isn't a single letter, or add dummy letters at the end I can type in front of as a workaround),

    The ever increasing bugs on the platform (and the site) that never get fixed,

    The countless garbage features nobody asked for,

    “Actually Good” feature requests getting constantly ignored,

    The upcoming free filesize upload nerf allegedly going back to 10MB from 25 after being raised to 25 a while back because the original 8 was too low (the ‘files too powerful’ dialogue will also apparently no longer tell us what the filesize limit actually is, while shoving a Nitro button in our face to bump it up to a piddly 500MB),

    On top of the fact many ‘communities’ on Discord are garbage (whereas the actual ‘good ones’ who decide to “Enable Community” seem to be signing their own deletion ticket just because one idiot barges in and floods the server with dumb stuff and then uses another account to report it)…

    I could go on because this laundry list is far from exhaustive, but suffice to say there are near-countless reasons I cancelled my Nitro subscription. Special emoji reacts, a stupid badge I don't care about and a tiny by today's standards filesize upload limit “buff” are hardly worth shelling out to support a company that doesn't support its users in return.

    Been trying to hop over to Telegram, Matrix, or dang near any other alternative for YEARS now, but I'm struggling to get friends to follow me over to anything. They're all too ingrained into this copy-paste spaghetti code fiasco called Discord, despite most of them KNOWING it's become absolute trash. Key word “become;” Discord was once great, but it is a fallen giant that should really only be given three options at this point: Shape up and get it's act together, get acquired by new owners that know what they're doing (Probably not Microsoft since they're the ones who killed Skype and now seem to be trying to kill Minecraft), or just lie down in the hole it dug itself and pull the dirt down on top of it - after hiring a cement company to pave over the spot once it's well buried. Eff a tombstone; just have them write “Danger: Toxic Waste Dump” in the wet concrete with their finger.

  • Eternalbordem

    if your looking for alternatives to discord, a platform i can recommend that's currently does everything discord doesn't and manages your safety and privacy WAY better, is revolt. its still small being made by a small team, but everything you can do with nitro you can do for free. they delete messages when you delete your account. its just… better… and they LISTEN, support gets back to you in a decent amount of time aswell. there are still some holes and stuff that need to be polished, but other than that, its probably the next big one after discord. 

    discord seriously needs to start listening to us and get their head out of the sand. their next update with the API is going to leave admin chats open. and the app already has so many security risks as it is. once i get the chance, im moving away from discord and taking my friends with me.


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