Underaged kid on discord (mathysgamern1._23372)
I think the image says alot about it..
Most importantly,I'd call out the text evidence below:
1.He uses badwords unoccassionally,I personally didn't even swear in this chat,just said the “s” word once which is not even offensive compared to what this guy was squeaking outta his mouth.
2.I had him in my friend list in roblox,I joined his game and he removed my player from fIle explorer straight,and he said so much insane curse words in my Discord chat afterwards,I remained calm however.
+ he says he makes roblox games by himself but i played one of his games and there was too much free models (which is from toolbar that lets you use licensed models without any experience)
He also said he knows alot of roblox scripting but he failed to answer one of my easy lua question. But not ado further,let's move on..
3.his windows (os) language and discord language,(even his roblox region) is france,but when i said something in french,he said “i am not france” yea yea.. and his grammar also tells that he's an underaged person.
4.this is pretty basic but he says alot of sentences a kid would say,he also claims other people's properties as his,one example for that is copying roblox games.
This kid lies ALOT. He is dishonest and rude. Please,Admins,Take his account down.

I need to events, skins and contant
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Kids, these days…
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Well he said whoever blocks the profile,they are a “child” and at last he ended up blocking me so basically he admitted he's a kid.
He also sent me a website containing malware and claiming it to be his ofcourse,and told me to click it as If i was stupid.
Ofc he said he is a 17 y.o without having vale proof.
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When I can login
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FOXYBEN what do you mean?
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Anyways right now he just unblocked sweared at me again,I don't know what he's doing this for but he now is talking about my parents,cursing them too and sending me potentional death threats.
I NEED a discord staff to BAN that guy right NOW.
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What about the image above is actually that he added me in his ALT and..started doin the same thing again,he also said he is 12.
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seriously just block and report. He'll get the memo, eventually
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