I finally got my successful answer for 108 days, my account is recovered!
Account hacked incident: June 8th, 2024.
Account recovered: September 23rd, 2024.
Those of you who are struggling to get your hacked account back, follow my steps.
First thing is to follow up the firstest ticket you created (also gotta make sure they have the hacked account option, if not, choose the first ticket that has a hacked account option), I know usually sometimes follow up can get a response or not, but it'll work.
Make sure your signed in to discord support and look for the ticket, the ticket must be closed for comments first so you must follow up the ticket, it has the blue text for you to follow up.
Make sure they have the same option that the first ticket has, for example, if the email received confirmation is selected as “no,” keep the option to no.
Your subject must include the “RE:” on it, for example, “RE: Account hacked - Follow up #ticketid." You need to put the same subject, for example “RE: Account hacked.”
Your description must be: “I am requesting to follow up #ticketid,” and put the reason how did your account hacked.
Sometimes you might get a unhelpful response, but follow up the ticket again, you'll get your account back
I have seen your feedback when you was without your account congratulation for getting it back i hope i will get mine too
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