More status options than "Playing"
Will it ever be on mobile i wonder ?
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good idea 0 -
Can I have a, *cough*, invite to one of these servers? xD
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so how do i add the custom status to my server
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Among my friends and I, we have been thinking about some sort of smaller icon (could be next to your Online/Away/Do Not Disturb status icon) that could be like a game controller, purely to indicate that you are looking for some people to play. Imagine the scenario where you wanted to post a request for people in a busy chat, it would be likely that your request would be hidden by the newer messages. Using the icon by your username, your request would be noticeable because of the icon by your name. Food for thought on top of the other suggestions.
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Mais c'est très rare!
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there's a Custom status game activity randomly appearing on servers without this feature.. got a screenshot but it looks like i cant upload it on mobile
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This is a little hard to understand fully. I cannot do the custom status on my server or any others except for a test server that I was messing with when I discovered it and its baffling in some ways that the owner of a server that has been around for a while cannot do the custom status.
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Maybe also add a "driving" or "driving to (school)" thing so people can know that you are online, but cant respond currently.
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How i get this Custom status, also my server cannot show up the custom status..
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You already can view people's status message on their profile, but custom statuses are still rolling out and not everyone has them yet. When it's fully released, anyone should be able to see your custom status from your profile. 0 -
I had it for a day. But it disappeared and now. i am wondering if i lost it due to discord adding it on me accidentally...
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It would be nice if you could set it to be either global (appears on all servers and to friends) or that server only. If a server has a specific status then it would override the global status. Also as others have mentioned permissions. If they aren't allowed to have custom status then their status simply wont show up.
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What do you mean that we can see people's status messages?
So far the only way to do this is setting a custom overlay...and clue why they're there. People can't see them.
Can you clarify?
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this is exactly what we need 0 -
just got the idea, when you set you status there would be a check box to set a time counter, like for games to show how long have you been doing your set activity..
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did you not already make this post?
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Isn't there already a 'custom status' that exists?, but not sure if it's publicly released yet.
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Yes, it's a feature that's still in testing and not publicly available yet. 0 -
Wooo! finnaly! this feature has been implemented!
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It's been added to ios so im sure it wont take much longer to add to android. But saying that, android users have that ability to show off what they're listening to on spotify which hasnt been added to ios yet.
Edit: just remembered that it isnt discord on ios that doesnt allow us to show our spotify status, it's actually spotify on ios itself that doesnt have that option unlike spotify on ios. Sorry about that
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Hi DarkAgit, the custom status feature is at the moment availible for mac, windows and iOS. For example in Discord Canary for Mac it is implemented. To the main version it‘ll come later.
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Discord has this already Planned:
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I'm pleased to say it's live on desktop and Android Alpha! 0 -
Is there any way to do this on the website? I'd love it if there was.
For now, I'm just using this:
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