The "detecting account" screen on login should be removed, or changed due to many mistaking it for "deleting account"
So earlier today, my Discord canary went into a bit of a meltdown, and it crashed. As I was starting back up the application I was faced with the "Detecting Account" screen, before being given an option to login. As it switched screens so quickly, I mis read it as "Deleting Account", which obviously gave me the biggest fright of my life. Another Discord Partner also experienced this as well today, with the exact same response and someone else in my server also experienced this recently likewise. I feel that due to this, the "Detecting Account" module should either be removed or changed to another word such as "Finding", "Locating" etc. to avoid confusion and people having panic attacks.
Today it did this the first time for me. This is the first time I had to actually enter my login information since installing discord for the first time. Don't know if this feature is to blame or if I was logged out for some other reason.
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