Customisable Date and Time



  • latenightmama

    @Adelscott where do I change it to 12H without having to change the date format too ?

  • mincerafter42

    I too would like customizable date and time. Especially ISO 8601! It'd make it much easier for me to read the dates without getting confused by the format

  • JimRob

    Is this still not available? I set to UK English and the format is still US. it drives me mad. 

  • Dausora

    It's been years, this still isn't a thing? I forgot I even replied in this thread at one point and found it while trying to Google for a fix.

  • Phoenix

    I have zero hopes, but. Bump.

  • Kriss

    Please make this a feature. The fact that I can't have US English and a 24-hour clock is incredible annoying and confusing. I don't want to have to change the entire language to have a clock and date version I can read.

  • maletin

    this is a good example:
    on mouseover you can also see the interval/duration/difference.

  • Adelscott

    Don't rely on Discord for this, Discord doesn't do any improvements.

    Use BetterDiscord with the plugin CompleteTimestamps

  • Platypus

    Adelscott I've never used BetterDiscord before, and am struggling to find out how to enable the plugin.

    I have installed BandagedBD and put the js file into the roaming\betterdiscord\plugins folder, and done a restart, but the documentation is lacking in how to actually enable the plugin/change the settings.

    Looks really interesting though, since Discord by the looks of it won't fix this issue.

  • Adelscott


    Download windows setup from here (link can be seen here) or from here

    Launch setup, choose your Discord version :

    After that in Discord options you'll see a BetterDiscord section : click on Plugins => Open Plugins Folder. Copy the plugin in that folder.

    Restart Discord (unsure).

    Enable the plugin and configure it

    Configure it

    For $date and $time you can configure the format you want clicking on the icons to the right. exemple :





  • CaipirinhaPilot

    So, seriously Discord???

    WTF? I'm pretty disappointed at your lack of quality. So many users and still not fixed? I don't predict a great future for Discord, as for all companies that purposefully ignore their users.

  • dkNigs

    Australian here our standard is dd-mm-yyyy 12hr although I’d take the correct date with 24h over the wrong date with 12hr any day of the week.

  • TROPtastic

    Thanks for the post Adelscott, this is a useful workaround until Discord adds the (frankly pretty basic) ability to change date and time formats independently of language.

  • Captain Chair

    Discord I love your service but this drives me crazy, if you add this feature I WILL get Nitro, just to reward you for doing something that makes my life easier, I don't want to google the time conversion or break my brain trying to understand MM/DD/YYYY, or just not getting triggered by the American spelling checker, the fact that me an Aussie prefers to use American English over British English just so I can have the 12 hour format should tell you I am willing to sacrifice my entire spelling system and Date format just so I can understand time.

    This is a MAJOR issue in my opinion.

    It has been 3 years since this was posted and you have done nothing, 

  • Adelscott

    Captain Chair do yourself a favor, follow this and tip DevilBro if you want to reward someone

  • Captain Chair

    Adelscott After I shared my thoughts, I stumbled into your guide and I say thanks because now I have a readable time format, thanks for your contribution you made my life much easier.

    I don't know how to link you because this is my first use of this support site so I hope you see this.

  • smot

    Bumping this up because this really should be in here by now. 

  • FarFutureFox

    Discord should just follow the system’s date and time format. Speaking as a UX designer.

  • Sapicow

    Bumping this! Changed my discord's language to help with language learning immersion but I'm not used with 24h format ^^;;;

  • Malpkakefirek

    It's been 3 years and still nothing was done... Come on Discord

  • xPxtatoes

    I really love Discord, and am a happy Nitro subscriber...for now. I'm an Am*rican who uses DD/MM as well as 24 and seriously cannot believe that there's no way to change date/time settings absent changing the language. Am I missing something or is this not an update that you could have a junior staff member push out in a day

    I've got plenty of talented friends; I'm sure one of them would love a 1 day unpaid internship at Discord to fix this if your staff can't do it -_-

    3 years down; praying you don't make us wait for a fourth...


  • JTan1701

    Yes we need this since I'd love DD/MM/YYYY and 12 hour time

  • Adelscott

    smot, FarFutureFox, Sapicow; Malpkakefirek, xPxtatoes & JTan1701 do yourself a favor, follow this and tip DevilBro if you want to reward someone.

  • Malpkakefirek

    @Adelscott I do not condone illegal modifications to the discord client

  • Adelscott

    Malpkakefirek that's your choice, keep hoping for something that will probably never happen :)

  • SAMI

    Can we please get an official support on the official discord app? 

  • Tomboy21

    Disappointing that the only English options are either US English which has mm/dd and 12h or UK English which has dd/mm 24h. Why can't there be an option to have dd/mm and 12h, that's the regular in Australia at least

  • felice

    If it's too much hassle to query the local OS or whatever else might be in the way, it's really not that difficult to give people the option to set up their own date and time templates using a simple text input box.

    Like, if someone cares enough to complain, they'd probably be willing to type in a simple text format to get what they want. They could fill in one or more templates for different time displays. In my case, where I prefer everything to be in descending order, I would do this, using the date/time template format from Windows:

        date: [ yyyy-MM-dd ]

        time: [ HH:mm:ss ]

    And if someone wants a special format for the combined date+time, maybe a checkbox with another text input:

        [X] datetime: [ yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ]

    I mean, it's really easy just to pass the buck for formatting to the user. This would totally satisfy anyone who has complained here, I think.

    (Also, it would be nice to be able to turn off the concept of "today", "yesterday", etc. I just want numbers.)

  • Bump, I would love being able to do this given that the current official solution is a workaround that for some doesn't even work

  • noox

    Really a shame that such basic features are not addressed. As a software developer I prefer English as language on all of my devices. But as an Austrian the US date format is hard to read. I prefer ISO or German date format with 24h time.

    It seems like the BetterDiscord plugins do not work currently:


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