Make Role Permissions a Tree Instead of a Flat List
Many permissions are not fine grain enough, or come with dangerous to grant side effects. As well, a lot of permissions make sense to grant only when other permissions are granted (like many messaging perms being able to be granted without the ability to actually send messages enabled).
I believe a lot of the trouble comes from ordering the permissions as a single, flat list. The way to fix this would be to make permissions a tree, where certain permissions fall under other permissions and can only be granted when the higher permission is also granted. It would allow a proliferation of more fine tuning of permissions without making it impossible to understand, and make those permissions that sensibly follow from one another *actually* follow from one another.
It could also be made so that users could view a menu without being able to use it, for informational purposes. As is, giving someone access to any servers settings allows them to see but not manipulate the Overview and Members menus, which is strange in it's inconsistency and in that it's tied to simply having any server setting permissions at all.
I've included what I imagine a version of this could look like. It could be made collapsible, for those who don't care about giving fine grain permissions (i.e. "View Moderation Menu" could be collapsed into "Manage Moderation" and check off all lower permissions at once).
For a few particular examples of problems this addresses:
Pruning is now a subset of the kick permission, rather than innately tied to the kick permission.
The ability to pin and to delete messages is now separate.
While I understand this would be difficult to implement, it'd likely be a much better system going forward. A lot of people have complaints and ideas regarding the way roles work and this is just another consideration for that pile.
Display Separately
View Server Overview Menu
Change Server Avatar
Change Server Name
Change Server Region
Change AFK Channel
Change Welcome Settings
Change Default Notification Settings
Add Bots
View Moderation Menu
Change Verification Level
Change Explicit Content Filter
Change Server 2FA
View Audit Log
View Integrations Menu
Manage Integrations
View Emoji Menu
Manage Emoji
View Webhooks Menu
Manage Webhooks
View Widget Menu
Manage Widgets
View Roles Menu
Change Roles *
Create and Delete Roles *
Assign Roles *
View Members Menu
Kick Members *
Prune Members *
Manage Nicknames
View Bans Menu
Ban Members *
View Invites Menu
Manage Invites
Create Instant Invite
Change Nickname
==CHANNEL USAGE (Can be channel specific)==
View Text and Voice Channels
View Channel Overview Menu
Change Channel Name
Change Channel Topic
Change Slowmode Settings
Change Channel Type (NSFW/Spoiler)
View Channel Permissions Menu
Manage Channel Permissions *
View Channel Invites Menu
Manage Channel Invites
View Webhooks Menu
Manage Channel Webhooks
Read Message History
Send Messages
Send TTS Messages
Embed Links
Attach Files
Mention Everyone
Add Reactions
Use External Emoji
Delete Messages
Manage Pins
Manage Reactions
Use Voice Activity
Priority Speaker
Mute Members
Deafen Members
Move Members
*Role Hierarchy Involved
I didn't know what this was at first, but after reading the description, it sounds great!
5 -
I second this. I mocked something up, this roughly what you're looking for in terms of appearance?
Edit: Another one, this time with the active channel edge-bar indicator showing the mic status on the connected server instead of a small icon.
Also see similar: fireundubh's Multiple channel columns layout / multiple channel columns per server
I plan on doing a mock-up or two in various styles for that one tomorrow.
-3 -
FelisNoctu: That's what I was thinking exactly.
-3 -
Yes, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have dozens of servers, all of which I'd like to keep, and it's a struggle going through them, and staying up to date with everything!
-1 -
this is something I've wanted for a while, and you put it together perfectly. A tree makes more sense for the way Discord works, allow multiple roles to be on the same level 6 -
The problem is, Discord is marketed for anyone to use the platform and adding a tree system, not everyone will understand it. I agree the tree layout would be much easier.
Quick thourght: what if instead of getting rid of the flat system add a button in the permissions Beginner/Expert then it will switch between the two
5 -
A variant of the tree structure would be a nice implementation of this sort of function.
2 -
I'd also like a way to flip the layout direction of the server list, I like to keep my most often used servers at the bottom of the list instead, and it's a hassle to have to scroll to the top to get to dm's
I know it's a self made problem, but it's a way of feeling more comfortable, and better layout freedom would help with that a lot.
-2 -
I would also like more granularity. The current system where everything is either greater than or less than is not ideal. And I don't think that roles should always be additive. It can be useful at times, but I would like to be able to toggle it off.
I would prefer if you could set a "power" on a role, like you assign priority to stuff elsewhere in computing. So a role with power 100 would be a higher role than one with power 50 for instance. Could limit the amount of power granularity in how big of an integer you allow.
3 -
@Alexandra - The current flat system is a tree with only one branch per level. So Beginner vs Advanced would be easy to implement by simply restricting it to "Can only create one branch at each level".
3 -
This might work on PCs, however i don't see how it'll work on Smartphone clients -3 -
would love this feature with half the icon sizes..
-3 -
Not only that, it's easy to only create base levels for people to use and then have a deeper level people can utilize.
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