Option to allow friend requests & DMs only from mobile verified accounts
I'm a moderator of the Re:Zero partnered server and we've had a few issues that could be mitigated by adding an option to Discord that only allows PMs and friend requests from accounts that are mobile verified.
One of our members is being stalked and he has been harassed by friend requests like "LET ME TALK TO YOU" or things like that. Another user is spamming our members with spoilers in the name of their friend requests!
Imagine just relaxing on your computer, playing some games with the boys, and you get a friend request from "AVENGERS ENDGAME SPOILERNAME#1234". Now imagine if you got 15 of those all with spoilers. Yeah, that's happening to us. It's ruining the Re:Zero series for our members.
If our users had the option to only allow friend requests from mobile-verified accounts, they wouldn't be able to get these friend requests because none of these accounts are verified with a mobile number. It would give our users a way to protect themselves
Not only that, we would be able to keep our members safe from stalkers.
Here are two little mockups I made on the Privacy & Safety account page to give a demonstration of what this would look like:
it can be very cool 4
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