Please allow us to enter in an ID to ban someone in the ban section without that ID having to be in that server. This would help people joining and leaving before you are able to ban them. Currently if someone you want to ban leaves, you cannot ban them until they join again.
TLDR: (Please read because I will be maintaining the original post above without any edits)
1. Confirmed by discord API staff that a user cannot be banned UNLESS cached by the server, which means banning someone BEFORE entering server does not work, even with bots. This DOES work if the user is CACHED to the server or has left but has once been in the server at one point.
2. This is a CLIENT REQUEST and has absolutely nothing to do with bots.
3. Most disagreements in this post have to do with off topic subjects containing bots or banning users AFTER they join and have left the server.
4. A solution to this is creating a blacklist of users that get kicked/banned once a bot checks to see if their ID is in the database of users currently blacklisted. There is no way to pre-ban users in the CLIENT.
5. "Currently if someone you want to ban leaves, you cannot ban them until they join again." This refers to uncached users that you may have seen go by <@invalid-user>
Incredibly useful for people who leave because they don't want to get banned/kicked.
8 -
Yeah. Awesome idea. We need this. 6 -
You're argument is invalid. Very invalid.
1. You cannot ban someone who is not in the server.
2. I have no clue what you mean by there would be spam.3. You should really read thoroughly before commenting because what you said is 100% false and does not make sense.
-27 -
I just checked, Fireredleo is correct, you can ban someone not from a guild, i did the same method he suggested. You may want to take your own advice on #3.
6 -
No you can't lol.
-13 -
Yes you can, using the/a bot you have to use their userID though if theyve never said anything/you dont have a message to ban them from or never joined the server!
2 -
This has nothing to do with a bot. This is a request for the client.
-7 -
Also an FYI, this is confirmed not possible by the Discord API server. A user can not be banned if not cached by the client. You cannot "pre-ban" a user from a server which is the entire point of this request.
-6 -
please clarify your post next time, as it stands right now it states that you want to be able to ban someone after they leave. There's a difference between wanting to ban someone after they leave and banning them before they ever joined the server.
1 -
"Please allow us to enter in an ID to ban someone in the ban section without that ID having to be in that server. "
2 -
that can be both be interpreted as
a) the user has never joined the server
b) the user has joined in the past but is currently not in the server
I can see this conversation not ending so I'll drop it here. Though I do agree we should be able to ban someone even if they haven't been cached by the server.4 -
Oh hey. It's Fireredleo. The guy who in his 20's was preying on a underage girl. I got all kinds of convo's of it happening too from that person. Surprised he was here. Hope they get banned soon from discord. :/ Also on a side note. Not like it matter but I agree with the topic at hand tho I don't have a strong opinion or much of one for it.
1 -
Oh and after I sent the previous one he went to talk to the underage girl he was trying to get to do stuff. Lol. Guilty much? It was pretty easy to find his facebook, twitter, steam, etc.Here is a picture. Lol. Listen, stop being a pedo, quit discord please. Funny how I didn't say any names but his BUT HE KNEW EXACTLY WHO I WAS TALKING ABOUT. Seems like they knew fully well what they were doing since they knew exactly who I was talking about. Here is a picture lol. Quite clear.
0 -
He messaged her again. This is not the girl. This is her bestest friend. Why don't you stop being a pedophile you sicko. Stop claiming it is her. It isn't her. Just stop. You really need to just stop LIKE REALLY. Quit discord and go get some help please. You keep talking to her about these messages. GO GET SOME HELP. GO tell your parents that you live with about your problem. YOU NEED HELP!
-3 -
If you have his information, call the police. But discord feedback isn't the way to go.
0 -
I understand that Lilious. Idk where they live or their real name nor even their state so not anything I can do for the police really. My friend will be submitting a ticket about him. I only posted here cause it was the only place I saw that he talked so I put it all here. It seemed like the best way outside of a ticket. You are totally right tho.
-1 -
Understandable, I'm sure discord will report this activity to the right people.
1 -
I would hope so Lillious. His account has been deleted. Idk if he was banned or did it and just made a new acc tho. But hopefully something was done about it. This is sick and needs to be stopped in any way it can be.
-1 -
is there some reason I can't just right click on someone and ban them, regardless of whether or not they left the server?
4 -
I'm sure discord will report this activity to the right people Talk To Wendys.
0 -
is there some reason I can't just right click on someone and ban them, regardless of whether or not they left the server?
1 -
The idea of pre-banning user IDs from joining a server is necessary when there are known trolls and server raiders attacking other servers (especially those servers partnered/affiliated with your own server) and you don’t want your server to become the next victim.
Right now I want to pre-ban in my server all known user IDs of a malicious user originally named Sefeia (who has targeted many Touhou-fandom servers via alt accounts/sockpuppets). One of my close associates provided me with a list of all known user IDs of such sock accounts owned by Sefeia and I want to protect my server from such accounts. Hence, why the desperate need to pre-ban user IDs. It is not a dumb idea, it is a necessary feature from the security point of view.1 -
should be able to do that with bots like carl bot and others like that, i would no recommend dyno doe
0 -
I tested this with an alt. I sent my alt an invite to a empty server, sent a message from the alt, made the alt leave and pressed his username and clicked ban. I used the alt to try to come back but it said it was banned
0 -
Hello! I manage a discord server tied to a student group at my university. When we ban an IP, we lose entire dorms on our campus. That is not great for us. Not banning people isn't great, either.
If we could ban IDs directly without a linked IP Ban that would help us immensely. Why not just let the server mods determine whether to ban IP with the ID? I get you have it baked in this way, but couldn't that be a simple check box?
6 -
I actually made a blacklist system where it checks the users ID upon joining the server against the database, if it matches they get auto kicked and the bot messages them saying they have been blacklisted. Easy to use command: .insert @user
Add me if you would like to use it. Lillious#13370 -
How did I get banned on the Zelda wiki server?
0 -
You wanna check out how did i remove my bans from different servers
-7 -
Account ban for no reason I was just talking with my freinds in DM.
1 -
For no reason discord ban my account.what can I say now my all friends are gone also server.i want my account back . Useless security.ban those who are voilatiling rule and regulation of are banning innocent people.i want my account blocked my account for no reason
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