Linux - Screen Share Sound Support
With Screen Sharing sound already supported on Windows, I would like Screen Sharing to be supported for Discord on Linux as well.
Gaming on Linux exists and does relatively well despite what many naysayers think or wish to believe and having this support for users such as myself would make this less frustrating.
(Not to mention that we're not even mentioned in the supported platforms art along with the other logos at the bottom of the site's webpages...)
This would be a very needed fix for us linux users
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It deeply confuses me that there's not even a response for this, I know there's certain nuances to developing audio applications on linux but it really shouldn't be difficult for a company of this size.
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I totally agree and this should be fixed. Discord Gods, kindly fix this. Pleasee.
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One of the major sore points for on linux for me currently. I'd love to see this get fixed.
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It's almost the end of 2021, and y'all still not figured this out? Not only that, but screen sharing on Wayland doesn't work at all.
Seriously discord?
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please Discord... We have the technology!
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Please! Thanks!
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The Steam Deck will be using the Linux Discord client. Unless Discord finally fixes this issue, I can foresee most Steam Deck users shifting to using Steam's built in solutions over Discord.
Please fix this issue, Discord devs, us penguins would really appreciate it. Electron even supports this feature in Linux now, you guys would just need to update to the latest version!
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I canceled Nitro because this feature is missing. This would be easy to implement, and it feels like a big dismissal of our community to leave it out for so long. Your app is not fully featured without this. Make it right.
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omg so much activity in the last time thank you so much guys !!!
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Hugely agreed - once steamOS 3 drops I'm switching to that for my Daily Gaming Needs since the majority of the stuff I play (PvE shooters w/o anticheat or already have native linux support, MMOs that run fine on linux, consoles via capture card on a second monitor) works perfectly fine on linux; not being able to properly screenshare is something I'll deal with to be off of windows, but ideally won't have to deal with at all.
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Just wanted to say thank you to whoever decided to maintain Discord on Arch, because that's been working fantastically for me!
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@dirtbirb since the source is closed, wouldn't that be Discord maintaining it?
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+1. Would also be great to support screensharing on Wayland but one step at a time i guess
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This would be a really useful feature to me, I hope it gets added
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+1 add screen share sound support on Linux, especially considering that the Steam Deck and SteamOS3 will be released soon.
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share this everywhere !!!!!! we need to get discord's attention
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Would love to be able to share screen cap with sound <3
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Begging for this feature.
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This would be a nice feature to have in time for the SteamDeck
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we need this please discord, to screen-share audio i literally have to do an unlisted livestream
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On OSX, Discord requires a 3rd party kernel extension by Rogue Amoeba for screen capture w/sound.
What would be an equivalent approach for Linux? Maybe requiring something like v4l2loopback-dkms (the 'softcam' device required for OBS to capture w/sound on Linux)?
This is really one of the last 'showstopper' bugs with a Linux app stopping me from using it as my main OS 24/7, so come up with something.5 -
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